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Celebrations (Biggar)√
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Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar

A large crowd is gathered
In the foreground, standing behind a cloth barrier are children all wearing tri-coloured sashes
In the background Union jack flags are strung up with a sign that says "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar"
Written on the back in pencil is "June 1939"
Stamped on the back in black ink is the number "728"

Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar

A large crowd is gathered
In the foreground, standing behind a cloth barrier are children all wearing tri-coloured sashes
In the background Union jack flags are strung up with a sign that says "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar"
Written on the bottom edge in blue ink: "King & Queen's Visit 1939"
Written on the back in pencil: "1 for Vina"
Stamped on the back in black ink is the number "542"

Tractor Pulled Parade Float

A tractor pulling a trailer with a man and a model of a cow with harness
A sign on the trailer can be partially read: "...Oltimers...Lumber....assey-Harris Esso"
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Jul 5 1955"

Town of Biggar Parade Float

A flatbed trailer decorated with a sign that reads "Town of Biggar"
There are two people standing on the trailer
People are standing on the sidewalk and street in the background

Six People In Costume

Six people in costumes standing in front of a building
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Finished by Randall Photo Shop Biggar, Sask. Excell Hi-Gloss Service"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "1"

Sharman's Drug Parade Float

Three women on a decorated trailer being pulled down the street by a car which has three women sitting in it
A sign on the end of the trailer reads "Sharman's Drug"
Buildings can be seen behind the car and trailer
A sign on one building reads "Leslie's Drugs Prescriptions Rexall Drugs"
People are standing on the street behind the trailer
Printed on the back in a pattern: "A Kodak Paper"

School Band In Front of Town Office

Two buildings with signs which read "Garage Auto Livery" and "Town office"
In front of the buildings is a large group of children lined up in rows
Some of the children are dressed in uniform and holding instruments
In the foreground is a crowd of adults and children and a car with people in it
Written on the back in pencil: "1920 - see school band town office locations also"
Written on the back in blue ink: "L. Jones"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "Lionel A. Jones Biggar, Sask"

Retirement Banquet

People sitting at long tables which are set with dishes and food
Written on the back in blue and black ink:
Head table guests at Retirement Banquet Nov. 1951.
Photo by Leo Campbell"
Stamped on the back in green ink:
"Finished by Len. Hillyard Saskatoon"

Parade Truck

A truck decorated with banners and ribbon driving down the street
Eight women are in the box of the truck and the driver's elbow can be seen
A decal on the truck reads 'Autolene Motor Oil"
A building can be seen behind them
Stamped on the back in red ink: "9"

Parade Floats

Decorated horse drawn wagons, cars driving, and people carrying banners and walking down both sides of a street
Cars are parked on both sides of the street
Written on the back in pencil: "July 1st 1927 Beckman"

Parade Float Truck

Two trucks can be seen driving down a road
They are decorated and the front one has two signs on it which read "Be Prepared" and "Physical Fitness"
People are standing on the sidewalk
Buildings can be seen behind them
Stamped on the back in black ink: "Jul 5 1955"

Parade Float

Eight women on a parade float, dressed in robes and sashes with the names of provinces on them
The parade float is hitched to two horsed and driven by a man in a hat
Written on the back in blue ink: "Mrs. McFarlane Nova Scotia Mrs, C.H.L. Smith behind NS Miss Minnie Frampton Br. Col. Mrs. W.T. White behind alberta Mrs. A. Saich (alberta) Mss. Julia Foster (Sask) Mrs. McKenzie (White Dress) Mrs. R.T. Briggs (Manitoba)"

Parade Car

A decorated car pulling a decorated trailer down the street
Buildings with signs reading "...all Drugs", "Duane's Credit Jewellers", "Biggar Agencies Insurace Real Estate Travel Bureau"
People are standing and sitting on the sidewalk
Printed on the back in a pattern: "A Kodak Paper"

Parade Car

A decorated car driving down a street in front of a marching band
Four women can be seen in the car which has a sign on the front reading "Madiett School of Dance"
Behind them are buildings and people standing and sitting on the sidewalk
Stamped on the back in black ink: "F 394"
Printed on the back in a pattern: "A Kodak Paper"

Results 1 to 15 of 40