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31 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Women's Curling Bonspiel in Biggar, SK

31 women wearing sweaters and touques, holding straw brooms, in front of a building
Embossed on the bottom right corner of the matte: "G. Davidson Biggar, Sask."
Written on the back of the matte in pencil: "Mrs. Briggs in fur coat"

Unidentified homestead family

Postcard showing an unidentified group of people, including adult men and women, several children and a dog, sitting on wagon or standing in field. Men wearing suits and hats; women and girls wearing dresses and hats

"The Reg and Albert Malcolm Families" In Biggar, SK

Two women, four men, and three children standing in front of a building
A car is also parked in front of the building
Written on the back in black ink and pencil: "The Reg & Albert Malcolm Families on North Farm (Old Jim Maddin Farm) John Malcolm holding Morley the Baby The day the Shack got Shingled. early 20's"

The Morris' In Biggar, SK

Two men, one woman, and a child sitting in front of a house
Written on the back in black ink: "My Uncle George Morris and Great Uncle George Morris out from Ontario on back step of Aunt Phemies House across from Town Hall Biggar 2nd house from corner. Where we spent first winter in west 1919 & 20"

"Sunday At The Malcolm's" In Biggar, SK

Four men, two women, one girl, crow, and dog in front of a wooden building
Written on the back in black ink and pencil: "Sunday at the Malcolm's Jim Crow on Reg's Head Dog Brownie. Early 20's"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "25"

"Royal Visit" in Biggar, SK

Nine men standing in front of the Biggar train station
Tri-coloured sashes and Union Jacks are hung on the train station
Written on the bottom in blue ink: "1939.. June 3rd."
Written on the back in red ink: "RN Blaikie"
Written on the back in pencil: "Royal Visit of '39 L to R Leo Campbell Jim Blaikie Dan Mansfield Mr Liang Bob Blaikie Thom Robson D Gabie A.W. Clark, Harry Lewis"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "Finished by Biggar Photo Studio Biggar"

"Royal Visit" in Biggar, SK

Nine men standing in front of the Biggar train station
Tri-coloured sashes and Union Jacks are hung on the train station
Written on the back in blue marker: "134"
Written on the back in pencil: "1939 Royal Visit June 3 139 L to R Leo Campbell, Jim Blaikie Dan Mansfield Bob Lang Bob Blaikie Thom Robson D Gabie?Joe Badrock A.W. Clark, Harry Lewis"
Written in pencil on a white sticker on the back: "Identical"

"Returned Soldiers" in Biggar, SK

93 men and one woman standing in front of the Biggar Hotel; Most of the men are in military uniform
Written on the back in pencil and blue ink on top of a blue ink stamp: "Glenbow Archives File Number NA-2870-25 Subject Group of returned soldiers Date taken 1919 Biggar, Sask. Photographer Remarks After World War I in front of Biggar hotel"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "Please credit Glenbow Alberta Institute Calgary, Alberta Photograph for one time usage only no further use without permission"

Parade Float

Eight women on a parade float, dressed in robes and sashes with the names of provinces on them
The parade float is hitched to two horsed and driven by a man in a hat
Written on the back in blue ink: "Mrs. McFarlane Nova Scotia Mrs, C.H.L. Smith behind NS Miss Minnie Frampton Br. Col. Mrs. W.T. White behind alberta Mrs. A. Saich (alberta) Mss. Julia Foster (Sask) Mrs. McKenzie (White Dress) Mrs. R.T. Briggs (Manitoba)"

Mel Hacker and His Brother

Five men standing in a row
Written on the back in pencil: "3 & 4 from the left - Mel Hacker & his brother - Date - before 1915?"
Written on the back in black ink: "Hello Chance, This is a nice group. take your pick I ain't drinking Hack. M.C.K. Playford Biggar. Sask. Canada"

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