Exterior view of a house with a white picket fence and manicured shrubs; the Willis family house was located on the south side of the 400 block, Fourth Avenue East, in Biggar, Saskatchewan.
Image of vehicle and pedestrian traffic in front of the Walter Scott building. View from the corner of Main Street and High Street East. 'Rice photo' inscribed on lower half of the photograph.
Street view of a local garage, located on 3rd Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan. A bin holding oil cans is between the door and window. "WhiteRose Gasoline" and "EN-AR-CO MOTOR OIL" are printed on the bin.
View of South Railway Street and Hamilton Street looking east in Downtown Regina; the Regina Trading Company and Western Hardware Company Ltd. buildings are in foreground.
A view of the businesses on Second Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Signs that can be read from left to right: "Ice Cream Bakery"; Furniture... Painters"; "Law Office"