- 20. Photographs - Emma Lake
- Item
- 1936
Part of A.F.L. Kenderdine fonds
View of the roadway into the Emma Lake art camp, 1936.
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Part of A.F.L. Kenderdine fonds
View of the roadway into the Emma Lake art camp, 1936.
Fonds consists of personal and professional papers created by Margaret Messer. Arranged in six series (Education, General, Teaching, Organizations, Publications, and Scrapbooks) the records document her activities as a teacher, art educator, writer, and illustrator, as well as her own education and training and her involvement with several professional groups. A large part of the collection contains information on art education programs at Balfour Technical School (1945-1974) and at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus (ca. 1966-1984) where she was a significant influence on program development. Of particular note is the series of publications which includes articles and books written or illustrated by Messer (1946-1973). Publications of the Saskatchewan Society for Education through Art (SSEA) are found in the Organizations series, along with papers, correspondence, conference materials, minutes, newsletters, and other records pertaining to her involvement with the SSEA (1961-1985), the Canadian Society for Education through Art (1962-1984), the Saskatchewan Arts Board (1947-1970), and others. General Files (1927-1986), containing biographical information, art commissions, personal and professional correspondence, curriculum materials, travel logs, drawings by Messer, and memorabilia, provide additional insight into her life and career.
Messer, Margaret
Kenderdine Campus - Open House
Dr. Bruce Schnell, Vice President, University of Saskatchewan, speaks to the crowd gathered for the Kenderdine Campus open house.
Gus and Jane Kenderdine with Walter and Christina Murray
Part of A.F.L. Kenderdine fonds
The Kenderdines with Walter and Mrs. Murray, at Murray Point, Emma Lake art camp.