- CORA-A-1210
- Pièce
- ca. 1925
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Regina's 'gingerbread' City Hall, located on11th Avenue between Rose and Hamilton Streets
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Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Regina's 'gingerbread' City Hall, located on11th Avenue between Rose and Hamilton Streets
First City Hall during construction
Fait partie de MJ General Photograph Collection
Men standing in front of and on top of partially-constructed City Hall. O. Hensrud identified on original
Assessors Department staff, City Hall
Fait partie de MJ General Photograph Collection
Interior of Assessors Department at City Hall, with Elaine Shein and [Dick Gibson] standing and looking at files in foreground
City Square, Moose Jaw, Canada
Fait partie de MJ General Photograph Collection
Two copies of postcards of Moose Jaw City Square looking towards northeast that includes views of 1904 City Hall, old Fire Hall and Land Titles Office. On backs are quotations celebrating "Moose Jaw Postcard Day June 1st, 1912".
Fait partie de MJ General Photograph Collection
Moose Jaw Post Office seen at corner of Main and Fairford Streets. The Union Jack flying on flagpole. Cars parked in "nose-out" angle parking on Main Street. Uniformed police officer in lower left corner. Cables for streetcars seen on Main Street
Wilfrid Gauthier and friends on City Hall steps
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Wilfrid Gauthier and friends on City Hall steps. City Hall is decorated, possibly for a visit from the Prince of Wales.
Fait partie de Rice's Studio collection
Moose Jaw City Hall; view from Fairford Street West.
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Old City Hall and annex before demolition
Fait partie de MJ General Photograph Collection
Old City Hall (built 1904) and annex (at left) before demolition
Fait partie de Humboldt General Photograph Collection
Humboldt City Hall, located on the southeast corner of Main Street and Seventh Avenue in Humboldt, SK
Duke of Connaught at Regina City Hall
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Large crowd watching as dignitaries stand on the steps of Regina City Hall for the official civic reception for the Duke of Connaught.
Fait partie de Rice's Studio collection
Image of gardens at City Square; Moose Jaw City Hall, the Land Titles Buildings and the Moose Jaw Fire Station can be seen in the background.
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Fait partie de MJ General Photograph Collection
Two copies of postcards of Moose Jaw City Hall (former Post Office building) as seen from across Main Street. Pedestrians on Fairford Street at bottom right
Fait partie de Humboldt General Photograph Collection
Exterior view of Humboldt's City Hall, located on the southeast corner of Main Street and Seventh Avenue.
Fait partie de LRA Photograph Collection
Plaque commemorating the site of City Hall that was formerly Meridian School
Fait partie de Rice's Studio collection
Moose Jaw City Hall; view from Fairford Street West.
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