There is a Model T car stuck in some mud with a man inside and a man behind, pushing There is a another man in front of a horse which is hitched to the Model T
A car on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; The car is decorated with banners and streamers and a large model of the letters "CU" on a platform attached to the roof of the car. A banner on the side of the car reads "Biggar Credit Union"
Black and white photograph of a car decorated with streamers, a tiger on a platform and a sign wich reads "Progress with Imperial Oil Limited 1888 to 1965"; there is also an "Esso" decal on the side of the car.
Business fronts on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; two of the signs read "Drug Store" and "John T. Roper" There is a man and a car in front of one of the buildings
A car decorated with plastic flowers and a cardboard box on the roof with a sign on the side reading "1911-1965 Majestic Theatre"; The car is on main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan and there is a girl sitting in the box
Black and white photograph of a car on Main Street in Biggar Saskatchewan decorated with a giant cake on top, banners and a sign which reads "Rann's Bakery 1917-1965"; there are two men in the car and a woman riding on the back of the car
Two women sitting on a car that is decorated with streamers and a banner which reads "St. Margaret's Hospital"; The car is on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan