- LRA 2178
- Item
- [1962 or 1964]
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Arlene Peters (née Brandt) with two nurses at Lashburn Cottage Hospital
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Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Arlene Peters (née Brandt) with two nurses at Lashburn Cottage Hospital
Dedication of hospital ward May 9, 1957
Speaker holding paper and book is Howard Powell, man with boutonniere on his right is Dr. E.T. Myers, lady behind H. Powell is Ma Clarke. Three other unnamed men and one woman. Women are wearing hats. Men suits and ties, Dr. Myers is holding a cigarette.
A comedy float with Rosetown doctors performing "surgery". "100 Yrs PROGRESS" on the float. Turning west on 9th Avenue from Aseltine School.
Dr. and Mrs. Myers and nurse - May 9, 1957
L-R: Dr. Myers (cane, cigarette, suit with boutonniere), Evelyn Cunningham O'Shaughnessy, R.N., Mrs. Myers in wheelchair. Unidentified man and child in the background.
Dr. C. M. Henry and front door of the Cottage Hospital in 1916
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Portrait of Dr. C. M. Henry and front door of the Cottage Hospital in 1916
Photograph of Dr. Myers, seated.
Showcasing the past staff members of the Rosetown & District Hospital and the Rosetown & District Health Centre.
The front steps of the hospital with eight ladies and one man.
Hospital float, Jubilee Parade
A float with nurses and "patients" decorated for the 50th provincial birthday parade. On 1st Street facing southwest. Searle elevator in background, skating rink in front. Smith School on left-hand side. All of these buildings are no more.
Hospital staff holding plaques
L-R: Rose McKenzie, Shelly Currie (Isley), unknown, Gail Adamoski, Gertrude Rollheiser, Dr. Dallas Popick. Taken in Rosetown Elks Hall.
L-R: Rose McKenzie, Shelly Currie (Isley), unknown, Gail Adamoski, Gertrude Rollheiser, Dr. Dallas Popick. Taken in Rosetown Elks Hall.
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Group photo of [Lashburn Hospital staff?] standing in front of hospital
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Group photo of [Lashburn Hospital staff?] standing in front of hospital
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Group photo of [Lashburn Hospital staff?] standing in front of hospital
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Group photo of [Lashburn Hospital Board and staff?] standing in front of hospital-Standing far left: Otto Brandt