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Abbey-Lancer-Portreeve Pastoral Charge fonds
Abbey-Lancer-Portreeve Pastoral Charge fonds
Aberdeen, Rosthern, Wakaw Pastoral Charges fonds
Aberdeen, Rosthern, Wakaw Pastoral Charges fonds
Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge fonds
Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge fonds
Alameda and Frobisher Pastoral Charges fonds
Alameda and Frobisher Pastoral Charges fonds
Arcola, Kisbey, Lampman Pastoral Charges fonds
Arcola, Kisbey, Lampman Pastoral Charges fonds
Asquith-Perdue Pastoral Charge fonds
Asquith-Perdue Pastoral Charge fonds
Assiniboia Pastoral Charge fonds
Assiniboia Pastoral Charge fonds
Assiniboia Presbytery fonds
Assiniboia Presbytery fonds
Avonlea, Blue Hill, Briercrest Pastoral Charges fonds
Avonlea, Blue Hill, Briercrest Pastoral Charges fonds
Balcarres Pastoral Charge fonds
Balcarres Pastoral Charge fonds
Balgonie, Pilot Butte, McLean Pastoral Charges fonds
Balgonie, Pilot Butte, McLean Pastoral Charges fonds
Battleford Pastoral Charge fonds
Battleford Pastoral Charge fonds
Biggar Pastoral Charge fonds
Biggar Pastoral Charge fonds
Bradwell and Clavet Pastoral Charges fonds
Bradwell and Clavet Pastoral Charges fonds
Broadview-Whitewood Pastoral Charge fonds
Broadview-Whitewood Pastoral Charge fonds
Results 1 to 15 of 59