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Schools - Districts√
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Stoney Creek S.D. #332 fonds

  • SCSD
  • Archief
  • [195-?] - 1964

The fonds contains black and white photographs from Stoney Creek S.D. #332. The photographs date from the 1950's to 1964. They include images of Stoney Creek school students and teachers and a cake from the district's 60th anniversary.

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Maryville School Students

Maryville School students. Location S.W.15-47-17W2nd. Front Row: Mike Wojciechowski, Adolf Wojciechowski, Jennie Baranieski, Annie Panchyshyn, Rosie Panchyshyn, Emily Wowchuk, Evelyn Yarmie, Matilda Kaminski, Sylvia Falkoski, Geneva Wojciechowski, ?, ?, Leo Baranieski; 2nd Row: ?, Jennie Gurski, Zennie Ukrainetz, Sally Necember, Rosie Elkiw, Lena Dobrowoldski, Pauline Yarmie, Mary Falkoski, Olga Dobrowolski; 3rd Row: Walter Baranieski, Frank Kaminski, Carl Urbanoski, Steve Yatchyshyn, Adam Gingara, ?; 4th Row: ?, ?, Joe Bodnarchuk, Bill Yarmie, Walter Bodnarchuk, Katie Gingara, Minnie Wojciechowski, Frances Wojciechowski, Ray Wojciechowski; Next Row: Standing: Peter Gingara, Mike Necember, Bill Necember, Peter Wowchuk, Frank Falkoski, Eustan Chudyk, Mary Yarmie, Katie Panchyshyn, Polly Dobrowolski; Next Row: ?, Metro Dobrowolski, Mike Bodnarchuk, Walter Panchyshyn, Mary Dobrowolski, Annie Dobrowolski, Annie Yatchyshyn, Lena Dobrowolski (Mike's), Helen Yurchyshyn, Mildren Baranieksi; Back Row: ?, Peter Urbanoski, Steve March, John Wowchuk, Harry Moskal, Jerry Wojciechowski, Poly Wojciechowski, Betty Faranski, Mary Gingara.

Lake Marguerite and Sask Golden Jubilee 1905 - 1955

An 18 cm X 23 cm coil-bound scrapbook containing memories, photographs and newspaper clippings about Lake Marguerite School Division 5237 on the occasion of its 50th year of existence - the same as Saskatchewan, which became a province in 1905.

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Walcer, Mary fonds

  • MWR
  • Archief
  • 2002

The fonds contains scanned copies of black and white photographs from Mary Walcer's private collection. The original photographs date from 1917 to the 1930's. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The images are of the Maryville S.D #2790 and the Maryville district near Gronlid, Saskatchewan.

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Rolles, Muriel fonds

  • 2002-08
  • Archief
  • 2002

The fonds contains two scanned photographs of Berlin S.D. # 1958 school children. The original photographs date between the years 1928 and 1964. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The donor, Muriel Rolles, was a teacher at Berlin S.D. #1958 and the photographs are from her personal collection.

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Henning, Margaret fonds

  • MHG
  • Archief
  • 2002

The fonds contains scanned copies of black and white photographs from Margaret Henning's private collection. The original photographs date form the 1920's to the 1960's. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The photographs are of Berlin S.D. #1958, Napoleon S.D. #3294, Jones S.D. #1483, South Star S.D. #1333, Queen's Park S.D. #377, and Prescott S.D. #3935.