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School of Accounting - Graduates - 1939

Individual photos of Accounting graduates grouped. Names: J.C. Avant, James Duncan Wilson Blyth, G.H. Brent, James Joseph Carroll, E.A. Chater, R.H. Conlin, A.E. Darbellay, William Gordon Denford Guest, A. Guthrie, E.T. Kerr, M.G. Koziriz, G.E. McConnell, J.D. McElroy, F.N. Maas, L.E. Mann, Richard Kenneth Rusk, J.S. Sasseville, J.D. Scott, E. Wheaton.

School of Accounting - Graduates - 1943

Individual photographs of Accounting graduates grouped. Names: L. Burlingham, R. Campbell, V. Cates, W. Clarke, E. Couldwell, J.H. Thompson, dean; L. Devitt, W. Dolsen, R. Flemming, K. George, N. Hanchak, N. Kemp, V. Knoff, J. McAlister, J. McLarty, B. McNay, B. McLeod, P. Mathers, H. Mekitiak, E. Myers, J. Ratner, B. Rayner, S. Sharzer, K. Smart, H. Storr, J. Turner.

School of Accounting - Graduates

Individual photographs of Accounting graduates grouped. Names: W.H. Atkinson, S. Barsky, R.H. Busche, P.G. Larter, J. Longton, S.M. Chasnut, C. Cuthbert, C.J. Dreidger, W.C. Mann, R.J. Middleton, W.G. French, E.G. Flynn, A.M. Hargrave, B.E. Newell, R.E. Oliver, F.J. Hart, G.H. Kargut, J.F. Lafreniere, James Neilson, dean; W.D. Ormiston, M.E. Pinder, M.S. Pukesh, J.T. Smith, L. Wojcichowsky, C.W. Worden.

School of Accounting - Graduates - 1932

Individual photographs of Accounting graduates grouped. Names from top to bottom (l to r):: Ms. F.E. Vanderburgh, Ms. O.M. German, Ms. B. Adilman, Ms. V. Jack, W. Parker, D.A. Shaw, O.L. Buckwell, G. Squarebriggs, W.E. Quine, A. Zartlin, J. Irwin, J. Blewett, L.T. Crosbie, W. Early, T.G. Wilson, A. McGill, G.M. Rooke, C. Ried, C.M. Bryanton, W.F. Toole, and P. Bradbrooke.

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