Affichage de 25 résultats

Archival description
Stores, Retail - Drugstores√
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :

16 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Humboldt Pharmacy

This series contains 1 gift certificate, 3 receipt forms, 1 discount card, 1 envelope, and 3 invoice forms.

Sans titre

Yorkton's first business street

Livingstone St., on the right, Yorkton's first business street with the Royal Hotel in the foreground. At the left on the picture is Broadway east of first Ave. The first house is Markham's residence, next is J. C. Markham's livery barn. Next the Hudson's Bay store. Across the street 2nd. Ave., is R. A. Patricks small drug store, Yorkton's first drug store with a law office above. Next is the Carson Building with a photography shop and barber shop on the ground floor and offices above.

Résultats 1 à 15 sur 25