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Cast of "HMS Pinafore" in Biggar, SK

Six men, Three women and one boy dressed in costumes, posing for a group photograph
Written twice on the back in pencil: "H.M.S. Pinafore 1927 - April Back Row Tom Land, Johnny Porteous, Dr. Saich Mrs J. James Mrs. Frank McKay Jack Miller ? Sellers Maudy Flemming unknown George Porteous boy?"

Cast of "The Private Secretary" in Biggar, Saskatchewan

Group photograph of the cast of "The Private Secretary" (Six women, six men, and one girl); identified are: Back row (left to right): Nett McFarland, Himmie Pollock, Phyllis Leslie, Etta Yingst, Morlon Honey, Perce Dunbar, Leta McFarland, Dollie Dunbar; Front row (left to right): Bob Buchanan, Eloise Ferguson, Frankie Ferguson, Ed Ferguson.

Cast of "What Happened To Jones" in Biggar, Saskatchewan

Six women, six men, and two girls posing for a group photograph, the cast in a play produced in 1919 or 1920 Biggar, Saskatchewan called "What Happened to Jones". Names supplied on back of photograph include: Back Row H.ymone Pollock Frances Brown Leita McFarland Percy Hainstock? Eva? Seartas Percy Dunbar Sammy Pollock Front Row Bob Buchanhan Laverne McHague Koehler Mrs Ferguson Frankie "" Mr "" Anna Pollock girl (Mrs P. Dunbar) Nettie McFarland Sam Pollock"

Cast of 'What happened To Jones' in Biggar, Saskatchewan

Group photograph of the cast of 'What Happened to Jones' in Biggar, Saskatchewan. ix women, six men and two girls posing for a group photograph; cast members identified as: Himmie Pollock, Frances Brown, Leta McFarland, Percy Hainstock druggist, Winona Searle teacher, Perce Dunbar, Sam Pollock, Bob Buchanan, Laverne McHarque, Eloise Ferguson, Anna Pollock, Frankie Ferguson, Ed Ferguson, Nett McFarland teacher.

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