A large crowd of people standing behind a tri-coloured fabric partition Behind the crowd is a white banner which reads : "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" Stamped on the back in black ink: "542"
Three people facing the camera; Two women standing and one man sitting They are in front of a large crowd of people To the right the people are men and boys dressed in cub scout uniforms A sign in the background above the cub scouts head reads "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" Written on the back in pencil: "1 for Vina 1 for Triscott" Stamped on the back in black ink: "542"
A group of 17 young men standing together All are wearing tri-coloured sashes Written on the back in blue ink: "Alma McLeod CP K Covey Taken by Alma when King George VI Queen Elizabeth at Biggar. Keith Noble Ron Burgess Bill Frazer Bill Holland Don Noble Don Ross Morley Lee Mervin Liso Marcelle Lund... Back - Bursson -Bushey Red McKay Front Billy Pickett (son of Victoria Pickett)"
A large crowd of people standing on train tracks, surrounding the caboose of a train The King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are standing in the caboose The Biggar Hotel can be seen in the background
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth surrounded by a very large crowd of people Written on the back in blue ink: "The visit of George VI and his Queen to Biggar June 4th 1939. This was taken on the railway track. The CNR erected grandstands on each side for the Royal Visit and 30,000 people came to Biggar that day from all over western Sask. Unfortunately a man waved his hat just as I was taking the picture Lily Murray" Stamped on the back in red ink: "Roxy Studio Stay Brite Snapshots North Battleford"
Queen Elizabeth holding a parasol, standing with two other men two men can be seen behind her Stamped on the back of the photo in black ink: "Finished by Biggar Photo Studio Biggar" The studio folder has a pattern around the edge that borders the photograph
Nine men standing in front of the Biggar train station Tri-coloured sashes and Union Jacks are hung on the train station Written on the bottom in blue ink: "1939.. June 3rd." Written on the back in red ink: "RN Blaikie" Written on the back in pencil: "Royal Visit of '39 L to R Leo Campbell Jim Blaikie Dan Mansfield Mr Liang Bob Blaikie Thom Robson D Gabie A.W. Clark, Harry Lewis" Stamped on the back in blue ink: "Finished by Biggar Photo Studio Biggar"
Nine men standing in front of the Biggar train station Tri-coloured sashes and Union Jacks are hung on the train station Written on the back in blue marker: "134" Written on the back in pencil: "1939 Royal Visit June 3 139 L to R Leo Campbell, Jim Blaikie Dan Mansfield Bob Lang Bob Blaikie Thom Robson D Gabie?Joe Badrock A.W. Clark, Harry Lewis" Written in pencil on a white sticker on the back: "Identical"
A large crowd is gathered In the foreground, standing behind a cloth barrier are children all wearing tri-coloured sashes In the background Union jack flags are strung up with a sign that says "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" Written on the back in pencil is "June 1939" Stamped on the back in black ink is the number "728"
A large crowd of people has gathered In the distance, buildings, Union Jack flags, and a banner reading "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" can be seen Written on the back in blue ink: "Queen's Visit 1939 Biggar"
A large crowd of people has gathered In the distance, buildings, Union Jack flags, and a banner reading "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" can be seen Written on the back in blue ink: "1937 Biggar Sask" Written on the back in black ink: "This was taken after Royal train had left town. This gives you a idea of like crowd that was lined up in the railroad yds. they had 5 tracks all close & then 6 track has box cars on which were just a mass of people on top"
A large crowd is gathered In the foreground, standing behind a cloth barrier are children all wearing tri-coloured sashes In the background Union jack flags are strung up with a sign that says "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" Written on the bottom edge in blue ink: "King & Queen's Visit 1939" Written on the back in pencil: "1 for Vina" Stamped on the back in black ink is the number "542"