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Jubilee Celebrations
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35 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

"Credit Union Parade Float" in Biggar, SK

A car on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; The car is decorated with banners and streamers and a large model of the letters "CU" on a platform attached to the roof of the car. A banner on the side of the car reads "Biggar Credit Union"

"Guides and Scouts Parade Float" in Biggar, SK

Seven girls in Girl Guide and Brownie uniforms are standing on a flatbed trailer with a tent and an owl on a toadstool; A sign behind them reads "Youth Center" and a banner on the trailer reads "Guides - Scouts"; The trailer is on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan

"UGG Elevator Parade Float" in Biggar, SK

There is a girl sitting on a flatbed trailer which is decorated with streamers and a large model of a United grain Growers grain elevator; There are several signs on the trailer which read "The Farmers Company owned by B.C., Alta., Sask., Man.", "The Elevator System That Farmers Built", "Complete Farm Service", 05 Congratulations Saskatchewan 65"

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