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46 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

"4H Parade Float" in Biggar, SK

A truck leading a group of ten children and two men, all on horse back, down Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; The truck has a sign in the flatbed which reads "Double C 4H Multiple Club", a child riding on the outside of the flatbed, and two men riding in the cab. Behind the group of horse riders is two men in a wooden wagon with two horses hitched to it.

Biggar, Saskatchewan

A large crowd of people in the intersection of Main Street and Second Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Appears to be a public celebration as there are banners strung up from building to building across the intersection.

Come! Celebrate with us in Indian Head - Homecoming '71

A small 15 cm X 21 cm 8-page informational booklet about the Town of Indian Head - its history and institutions, with black and white photographs - with a colourful cover. It was published as part of the 1971 Homecoming event.

The Town of Indian Head

"Credit Union Parade Float" in Biggar, SK

A car on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; The car is decorated with banners and streamers and a large model of the letters "CU" on a platform attached to the roof of the car. A banner on the side of the car reads "Biggar Credit Union"

Results 1 to 15 of 46