- BCHCC 2150
- Item
- [between 1900 and 1920]
Unidentified man standing outside his sod house, known locally as a ‘soddy’.
46 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Unidentified man standing outside his sod house, known locally as a ‘soddy’.
A Tractor and Sod House in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
There is a man on a steam powered tractor in front of what appears to be a sod house under partial construction or deconstruction
Six people can can be seen on or around the sod house
Agriculture - Buildings on the Farm
18 photographs and 4 postcards of farm buildings
A large group of men, women and children are gathered around and on top of a large sod building [school?] with plank roof and glass windows. A pile of lumber in the foreground suggests recent construction.
Herbert Spense, leading a horse (probably named 'Barney') out of a sod barn
Prairie sod buildings. Tee-pee of wood. Young boy and dog in foreground with wagons in yard.
Man in buckboard, sod barn in background. Sunflowers growing in forefront.
Four men standing in front of the barn holding animals; four white horses, three harnessed, two dark coloured horses harnessed and one colt. The other team might be oxen. One buggy with a dog lying underneath.
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Homesteaders Joe & Bill Kessel's sod shack on the open prairie
Man and two women in front of sod wall
Man is wearing a suit, tie, celluloid collar, cap. Women in long skirts, jackets, dark hats with wide brims. Could be the same woman in FA1.013. A sod wall can be seen in the background. One woman is holding a long barrelled rifle.
Kunkel Collection
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Two men each on a wagon hitched to two oxen and a woman standing in the background; There is a wooden building and sod house in the background
Sod house with people standing in front. L-R: Bill Whyte, Mary McCuaig (Mrs. Jas Ritchie), Rod McCuaig, Jack McCuaig (holding a little dog). The McCuaig homestead is located NE 35-31-13.
Norwegian Settler Outside Sod House
Norwegian homesteader in front of his 'soddie'
The Ritchie family sod house with, L-R, Mrs. Peter Ritchie, Sr., Miss Jean Ritchie, Peter Ritchie, Sr. in front of the house. A window box contains flowers. There is a frame barn behind the house.
Picnic at Alfred Lindgren's farm
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
27 men, 17 women, and seven children all posing for a group picture in front of a large sod house