Image of the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) on a duck hunt at Fort San. Captioned "Prince of Wales and Jack Leader with mountie hat at Leaders point after the hunt in 1919.
This fonds contains one series consisting of several scrapbooks kept by Philip H. West from 1944 to 1957. They contain invitations and letters to Mr. and Mrs. West, newspaper clippings concerning the couple, relatives or friends. Also included are diplomas and certificates presented to Mr. and Mrs. West, programs of events, various pictures, greeting cards and postcards, brochures of tourist sites, water colour paintings done by Philip West and memorabilia of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom.
Image of the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) meeting with Mr. A.B. Cook of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League. Dr. Boughton can be seen in the background.
Queen Elizabeth, (commonly referred to as the Queen Mum) can be seen standing on the back of a train caboose waving to a crowd of people in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Union Jack flags and a sign reading "...Your majesties" can be seen in the background.
Reception for Earl Grey's visit, held at the Regina City Hall ballroom. Man with sash is Lieutenant-Governor Amedee E. Forget; Judge Edward Ludlow Wetmore is centre behind table; Premier Walter Scott is left of the lady who is front centre; all others are unidentified.