- 68-070
- Item
- 1902
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Horse-drawn binders on the J.W. Smith farm in the Moose Jaw district
Porter, N.J.
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Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Horse-drawn binders on the J.W. Smith farm in the Moose Jaw district
Porter, N.J.
A Moose Jaw Harvest Scene, 1902
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Harvest scene on J.D. Fraser farm showing two swathers driven by men and pulled by teams. One man seen in buggy
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Barn at Glenfield Farm built in 1904 with teams of horses and binders in front
Better Farming Train - Displays
Display of farm equipment with a John Deere binding attachment in the Farm Machinery car. On back of photo: "The binding attachment presented many knotty problems-1919 train."
Bio/Historical Note: From 1914 to 1922 a Better Farming Train (BFT) toured the province providing lectures and demonstrations and presenting exhibits on matters pertaining to agriculture. Funded by the Agricultural Instruction Act, equipped jointly by the Department of Agriculture and the College of Agriculture, and staffed by the University of Saskatchewan, the BFTs were operated free of charge by the railways. Consisting of between 14 to 17 cars they toured the province for several weeks each summer. During part of one summer two trains operated. The train was divided into five sections: Livestock; Field Husbandry; Boys and Girls; Household Science; Poultry; and Farm Mechanics. A converted flat car acted as a platform for the display and demonstration of the "well-selected" horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. Each section usually contained a lecture car accompanied by one or more demonstration cars.
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Men, women and children seen driving horses and binders working in the field in Moose Jaw district
Cutting Wheat With Binder On Ahren's Farm Near Rosetown, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A man on a binder being pulled by four horses can be seen in the distance in a field
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
3 men standing beside and one man sitting on some farm equipment hitched to two horses in a field
"Harvesting Binder Crew, Biggar, Sask."
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Three men sitting on binders, Which are hitched to four horses each; Four men standing beside the binders, and one man sitting in a car
Written on the bottom: "Harvesting Biggar, Sask."
Written on the bottom edge in blue ink: "-Binder Crew."
Written on the back in pencil: "This was taken when we were cutting on Leangstaffs place you see me on the last binder but not very plain."
"J. Rutherford Farm" Near Biggar, SK
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Two men riding on a tractor pulling a binder
Written on the back in blue ink: "MR. Rutherford Farm 1928 Tractor & Binder"
Mr. G.E. Bowran and his horse drawn riding binder
Mr. G.E. Bowran and his horse drawn riding binder
Reaping & Binding Near Lloydminster, Sask.
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
Men on binder, team of horses, dog, man on horse
Reaping. Indian Head, Assa, Canadian Pacific Railway
Part of Gordon Goddard fonds
Photograph of five binders in a wheat field southwest of Indian Head. Eight elevators and the Anglican cathedral are in the background
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Man driving team of horses in field of oats at left; man driving horse-drawn binder at centre. Two women stand in foreground wearing dresses and hats
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Before the advent of the combine, binder twine was a necessity for harvesting. Here Ben Kimber and Gus Gibson are seen unloading a truck load of binder twine at the implement warehouse of W. D. Dunlop on 2nd. Ave.