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3 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Marshall Cottrill Collection

  • 998-166.
  • Fundo
  • 1926.

The collection contains one mounted black and white photograph of Melfort High School students in 1926.

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McCosh, William fonds

  • WMC
  • Fundo
  • [192-?] - 1995

The fonds contains both color and black and white photographs as well as color slides. All of the images are of events and locations in Melfort, Saskatchewan. The images all belonged to William McCosh's personal collection.

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Lobb, Ethel fonds

  • 997-099
  • Fundo
  • 1915 to 1998, predominant 1919 1953 and 1970 to 1999

Fonds include black and white photographs some with matching negatives, scrapbooks and other memorabilia. Photographs of Beatty community and Melfort community events. Including school, church, farming and special community events.

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A. E. Peacock fonds

  • MJ-163
  • Fundo
  • 1896, 1921-1981

This fonds contains two series: Honours Conferred and Memorabilia. This includes documents pertaining to awards and honours received by A. E. Peacock as well as event programs, family history, clippings, letters, drawings, speeches, school notebooks and photographs kept by the family.

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Rosetown General Photograph Collection

  • GPC
  • Coleção
  • 1975?- 1998

The Rosetown General Photograph Collection spans approximately ten decades of the history of Rosetown and district, consisting of photographs taken by and collected by the Rosetown Centennial Library Archives.

Irma Evenson fonds

  • IEV
  • Fundo
  • 1939 - 1948, predominant [ca. 194 - ].

The fonds contains three black and white photographs, and eight black and white scanned copies of original photographs. The copied photographs were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colours. The photographs range in date from 1938 - 1949, and include images of the Lady Minto Hospital, views of Melfort's Main Street, parades in Melfort, Herb Anderson and students of North Star School, Irma Staff and her brothers, and the North Star School ball team.

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Hopkins, Charles Hillary fonds

  • CHH
  • Fundo
  • 1914 - 1996, predominant 1996

The fonds contains 23 black and white photographs, 21 black and white negatives, and 1 photocopy of a photograph from Charles Hillary Hopkins' private collection. The majority of the photographs were reprinted in 1996, but the original copies of these photographs date from the 1930's to 1959. The photographs were taken in Melfort, Saskatchewan and surrounding areas including the Stoney Creek and Whittome districts. They include images of Melfort High School (Melfort Collegiate Institute)students and staff, Broadway School students, snow plowing, and a flood.

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Evelyn Anderson collection

  • EAN
  • Fundo
  • [ca. 1911] - [ca. 1930]

The collection contains eight black and white photographs from Evelyn Anderson's personal fonds. The collection includes formal portraits of Evelyn Goodson taken in 1930, photographs of the Melfort Public School, the Melinda School, and the Melfort High School and students, as well as a photograph of a Goodson family gathering in the Naisberry district. Two photographs are copies made ca. 1996, while another photograph is a scanned copy made in 2003 all done by the Melfort & District Museum.

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Ines Claggett collection

  • IC
  • Coleção
  • [ca. 1930] - [195-]

The collection contains two scanned copies of black and white photographs owned by Ines Claggett, as well as five original black and white photographs. All photographs were originally taken between [ca. 1930] and [195-]. The photographs depict group portraits of the "Southside Circle" women's group of the Melfort United Church, young students and teachers and the Salvation Army Building, a curling team, and the former Melfort golf club house - which was originally run by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harms.

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Athol Murray fonds

  • Fundo
  • 1918-1975

This fonds consists of records of Father James Athol Murray from 1918 but particularly from his time at the Notre Dame College from 1927 to his death in1975. Father Murray's interests were intricately involved with his role as College administrator and teacher and as a result there is not always a clear distinction between his personal records and records of the college. This fonds contains: photographs of Athol Murray and albums he compiled, many related to school events as well Canadian and international events; textual records consisting of extensive correspondence with international figures, including Canadian Prime Ministers Sir Wilfred Laurier, Louis St. Laurent, Mackenzie King, Lester Pearson, John Diefenbaker and Pierre Trudeau, as well as Notre Dame students and alumni; newspaper clippings; and publications prepared by Athol Murray. The videos and sound recordings document Father Murray's speeches and interviews on such topics as sports, education, politics and religion. Also included in this fonds is Father Murray's collection of rare books and manuscripts dating between the 13th to 17th century. Athol Murray fon

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Emma Whittome fonds

  • EW
  • Fundo
  • 1908-[195-?], predominant 1912-1920

The fonds contains black and white photographs from Emma Whittome's private collection. They date from 1908 to the 1950's. Most of the photographs were taken in the town of Melfort and its surrounding area. The two photographs originally belonging to John Fedde were likely taken in the Melfort area, but this cannot be confirmed. Over half of the photographs are of buildings and streets in the town of Melfort including the Lady Minto Hospital, Broadway School, and local churches. Other subjects include the students and teachers from the Naisberry S.D. #788, Belgrave S.D #2587, Prescott S.D. #3953, and Melfort High School.

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Jensen, Mrs. fonds

  • 996-476
  • Fundo
  • 1913-1956

The fonds contains one black and white photograph from Mrs. Jensen's personal collection. The photograph is of Broadway School in Melfort, Saskatchewan and was taken between the years 1913 and 1956.

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King Edward School scrapbook collection

  • MJ-186
  • Coleção
  • 1951

This collection contains one oversize scrapbook mailed to King Edward School in 1951. The scrapbook was sent from St. Edmund’s School, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Nottingham, Wales. The scrapbook was sent in response to King Edward School sending a scrapbook to St. Edmund’s School. The scrapbook includes pictures, drawings and information about the town and school.

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Rob Nisbet fonds

  • SCM-RG-0065
  • Fundo
  • 8 September 2008

The fonds, related to the Flats School District Number 1602, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

Volume 1: Minutes of The Flats School District meetings, January 9, 1937 – April 19, 1966
Volume 2: Minutes of The Flats School District meetings, September 26, 1906 – November 4, 1936, entries pertaining to the establishment of the School District in 1906
Volume 3: Assessment and tax roll (names and addresses of ratepayers and the amount they paid) for The Flats School District, 1907 – 1911
Volume 4: Account book, each page has the name of a business or individual along the top, plus a list of expenses paid to them with the cheque number, 1906 - 1913

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