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Christie Anne Bjorgan collection

  • 2002-039
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1943] and [ca. 1950]

The collection contains two black and white photographs. One depicts Private Wesley John Flett in 1943 in military dress. The other depicts John William Flett with a team of two horses and a caboose.

Bjorgan, Christie Anne (née Flett)

Robert Attrill collection

  • 990-063
  • Fonds
  • 1913

The collection contains one black and white photograph taken in 1913 of a steam tractor threshing outfit and team in the Naisberry, Saskatchewan district. Printed on a postcard backing, the photograph contains information on the individuals depicted on its reverse. The photograph was from Robert Attrill's personal collection.

Robert Attrill

William Chew fonds

  • SCM-RG-0020
  • Fonds
  • 1911-1972

The fonds, related to William Chew, were created by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The fonds consists of six series. Series 1: 'Horse Co-Operative Marketing Ass'n Ltd.' ; Series 2: 'Saskatchewan Wool Products'; Series 3: 'Other business documents'; Series 4: 'Personal documents and Modern News'.; Series 5: 'Chinese documents'; Series 6: 'Photographs".

Series 1 consists of the following documents: 8 copies of a letter from the Secretary General of the HCMA, 'to Whom It May Concern', regarding William Chew; 3 copies of a letter to William Chew from the Secretary General of the HCMA regarding the selling of canned horse meat and gravy to China (2 pages); 3 typed pages entirely in Chinese characters; 2 letters from the HCMA to William Chew, each regarding the shipping canned horse meat and gravy [one letter also mentions the death of Janey Howell, daughter of Ralph Howell and friend of Victor]; a Hong Kong import licence and a CPR bill for shipping horse meat; a letter from William Chew to the HCMA regarding sample cans of horse meat and gravy; a letter (with envelope) from Manlung & Co. Importers and Exporters in Hong Kong to the HCMA;[the following items have been removed from A.2007.33 and moved to Subject Files; 7 copies of horse meat and gravy specifications (5 pages); 11 copies of blank paper with a HCMA letterhead]

Series 2 consists of the following documents: 8 pieces of correspondence between William Chew and representatives of Saskatchewan Wool Products regarding the selling of SWP blankets in Hong Kong; 2 copies of SWP price list from 1948 (not identical).

Series 3 consists the following documents: 5 letters (with envelopes) from Manlung & Co. Importers and Exporters of Hong Kong to various North American business proposing that business between the two organizations be conducted by William Chew; 3 receipts from Hong Kong businesses; 3 pieces of correspondence from William Chew to Canadian companies, regarding the trade of Hong Kong goods; an invoice of products from Manlung & Co. to W.W. Cooper Ltd. of Swift Current.
Series 4 consists of the following documents: confirmation of hotel reservations in Victoria B.C. for William Chew; negative of a letter pertaining to the immigration of William Chew's sons from China; two pieces of correspondence between the Kuo Min Tang (Vancouver) and William Chew; one piece of correspondence between the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria) and William Chew; 2 pieces of correspondence from an MLA of Saskatchewan and the Mayor of Swift Current, attesting to William Chew's character and industry; a document from the Chinese Association of Swift Current, written in Chinese; stationary with a "Modern News" letterhead containing text written in Chinese characters; a certificate written in Chinese characters; total sales for "Modern News" between May 1 and September 30, 1948; a letter inviting William Chew to take his oath of citizenship; envelopes from photograph developing shops in Hong Kong and Swift Current [envelopes discarded] (photos 46-52, 65-67 in Silvery Photo envelopes [envelope discarded]; 68-71 found in Goodman Studio, Swift Current [envelope discarded]; photos identical to 47 found in Moen's Swift Current [envelope discarded]); newspaper clipping; three pieces of identification, re: Chinese heritage; flyer for travel to the Orient.

Series 5 consists of twenty documents that are written entirely, or almost entirely, in Chinese, and which would require translation to learn anything more about their meaning.

Series 6 consists of photographs of William Chew, Victor Chew, Andrew Chew, and other members of the Chew family.

Chew, William