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Indian Head Museum
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17 RCA - Memoirs of Charles F. Watson

A 68-page (single-sided) coil-bound book containing the WWII memoirs of Charles F. Watson a Canadian soldier who was originality from Indian Head and joined Indian Head's 76th Field Battery and fought in WWII.

Charles F. Watson

17th Field Regiment personnel posing at Krupp proving grounds

Six soldiers of the 17th Field Regiment pose with a large Krupp artillery gun. Sgt. Peter Powless from Indian Head is identified in the photograph. The Krupp proving grounds were at Meppen, Germany, just 70 km southeast of Winschoten, the Netherlands, where the regiment was stationed after WWII.

17th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery

17th Field Regiment War Diary

A black 3-ring letter-sized binder containing about 50 pages of a War Diary of the 17th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery from 1945. The first page is also a pair of emails in 2009 between Mark Zuehlke and Gordie Bannerman about the diaries.

17th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery

17th Field Regiment, Regina - 1973

A posed group photo of about 120 veterans of the 17th Field Regiment at a reunion in Regina in 1973. They ar photographed outside the banquet hall of the reunion's venue. The men are not named.

17th Field Regiment Association

1913 circus parade

A photo taken of the 1913 circus parade in Indian Head showing ponies pulling a dog cage display. See also IHM.2021.0294; IHM.2021.0295; IHM.2021.0296

1914 school photo

A class photograph of teenage students and teachers on the steps of the Indian Head Collegiate.

Results 1 to 15 of 1462