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Only top-level descriptions Melfort & District Museum Tractors√
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Robert Attrill collection

  • 990-063
  • Fonds
  • 1913

The collection contains one black and white photograph taken in 1913 of a steam tractor threshing outfit and team in the Naisberry, Saskatchewan district. Printed on a postcard backing, the photograph contains information on the individuals depicted on its reverse. The photograph was from Robert Attrill's personal collection.

Robert Attrill

Glen Etling collection

  • 991-027
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1910]

This is one black and white photograph from Glen Etling's personal collection. The photograph depicts six International Harvester tractors on 100 block Main Street.

Glen Etling

Gilbert Austin collection

  • 2001-88
  • Collection
  • [191-?] [192-?]

The collection contains two photographs. They were taken between the 1910's and 1920's. They include an image of a work bee planting a crop for Mrs. Brice after her husband's death and an image of two people standing with a tractor.

Austin, Gilbert