Affichage de 61 résultats

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Albert Carlson fonds

  • AC
  • Collection
  • 1905 - [ca. 1955], predominant [ca. 1930 - 1940]

The collection contains 24 photographic reproductions of original photographs of members of the John Carlson family, local farming activities, and farm equipment. Several depict views of Melfort in early states of development. Historically significant images include that of a Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw at "Melfort House" in the U.K.

Sans titre

Marshall Cottrill Collection

  • 998-166.
  • Fonds
  • 1926.

The collection contains one mounted black and white photograph of Melfort High School students in 1926.

Sans titre

Ruth Marshall Collection

  • RML
  • Collection
  • [1940?] - [1950?]

The Collection contains black and white photographs from Ruth Marshall's private collection. All of the photographs are of Melfort businesses and streets including the water tower, train station, and Sask-Tel building.

Vera R. Currie fonds

  • 2001-117.
  • Fonds
  • [191-] - [192-]

The collection contains four scanned black and white photographs that include images of the Wilkinson children (Claude, Kathleen, Ken and Lyla) in the 1920s, of harvest near Tisdale at the Hugh Barnum farm in the late 1920s, of Lyle Boice Barnum holding Lyla Baity (nee Wilkinson) in the 1910s, and a formal portrait of Malcom Barnum (left) and Hugh Barnum (right).

Sans titre

Lefebvre, Audrey Anna Beth fonds

  • 2001-50
  • Fonds
  • 1950

The fonds contains one black and white photograph from Audrey Anna Beth Lefebvre's private collection. It is a photograph of a Melfort curling team at a bonspiel. The team members include: Cliff Dobson, Jack Reid, Gordon McPherson, Elva Dobson, and Jimmy Stewart.

Sans titre

Fred Brown collection

  • 2001-81
  • Fonds
  • [194-]

The collection includes two black and white photographs from Fred Brown's private collection. The photographs were taken at Fritz-Starmont Lumber Co. in Ruby Lane, Saskatchewan. They include images of lumberjacks in front of log buildings at a Fritz-Starmont lumber camp.

Sans titre

Gilbert Austin collection

  • 2001-88
  • Collection
  • [191-?] [192-?]

The collection contains two photographs. They were taken between the 1910's and 1920's. They include an image of a work bee planting a crop for Mrs. Brice after her husband's death and an image of two people standing with a tractor.

Sans titre

Heavin, Sharon Elizabeth fonds

  • 2002-05
  • Fonds
  • 2002

The fonds contains one scanned black and white photograph of Prescott S.D. #3935 located in the Whittome District near Melfort, Saskatchewan. The original photograph was taken in the 1950's and is part of Sharon Elizabeth Heavin's personal collection.

Sans titre

Walter Dupin fonds

  • 2003-008.
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1936] - [ca. 1944].

The fonds contains three black and white photographs from Walter Dupin's personal collection. The photographs include images of East Bend school and students of approximately 1939, Beatty high school students of approximately 1944, and a Sunday School class at the Dupin home in approximately 1936.

Sans titre

Flett, Kathleen fonds

  • 2003-104.
  • Fonds
  • [190-] - [ca. 1943], predominant [190-]

The fonds contains 17 scanned copies of photographs from Kathleen Flett's personal collection. The majority of the photographs depict members of the John and Janet Flett family and images of the Flett homestead, dating from the early 1900s to approximately 1943. Several are formal studio portraits of individuals and wedding parties. Three photographs depict threshing activities. One photograph features the "Ethelton Aces" team in approximately 1943.

Sans titre

Stoney Creek S.D. #332 fonds

  • SCSD
  • Fonds
  • [195-?] - 1964

The fonds contains black and white photographs from Stoney Creek S.D. #332. The photographs date from the 1950's to 1964. They include images of Stoney Creek school students and teachers and a cake from the district's 60th anniversary.

Sans titre

McCosh, William fonds

  • WMC
  • Fonds
  • [192-?] - 1995

The fonds contains both color and black and white photographs as well as color slides. All of the images are of events and locations in Melfort, Saskatchewan. The images all belonged to William McCosh's personal collection.

Sans titre

Phyllis Dickie-Windsor fonds

  • 996-949
  • Fonds
  • 1980

The fonds contains seven colour photographs taken during Melfort, Saskatchewan's 1980 "Melfort Reunion, Celebrate Saskatchewan 1905-1980" events. Subjects include the stage at the Melfort Agricultural Society grounds and community organization floats in the parade, and feature a number of Melfort city councillors serving during 1980.

Sans titre

Lobb, Ethel fonds

  • 997-099
  • Fonds
  • 1915 to 1998, predominant 1919 1953 and 1970 to 1999

Fonds include black and white photographs some with matching negatives, scrapbooks and other memorabilia. Photographs of Beatty community and Melfort community events. Including school, church, farming and special community events.

Sans titre

Sandra Fedosa fonds

  • SFD
  • Fonds
  • [191-?]-1968

The fonds contain black and white photographs from Sandra Fedosa's private collection. They include images of the Ontario Ladies College, Melfort Hotel, Broadway School, Flett Springs Post Office, as well as Melfort's Sports Day, train station, and pioneers.

Sans titre

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