Corner of 11th Avenue and Scarth Street with the Post Office building on the left and the Imperial Bank of Canada building in left foreground. The Post Office building was later refurbished and became Regina City Hall in 1963.
View of 11th Avenue from Rose Street. Regina City Hall is seen on the right with the G.S. Wood Building on the left, R.H. Williams Department Store in middle along with the Leader Building.
This collection consists of electronic audio and video recordings collected for the 150 Stories Oral History Project. The project involved interviewing members of Regina's Indigenous community.
1700 block Scarth Street looking south from South Railway. The Jones Shoe Company is in left foreground on east side of the street. In right foreground is the Mickleborough Block.
The 6th Victory Loan Progress Indicator Board at City Hall square, 11th Avenue and Hamilton Street. Norman Ruse, Publicity Committee, is at left, with a uniformed man and woman.
Aerial view of downtown Regina (looking north); Hotel Saskatchewan (Victoria Avenue) to northern City Limits; Metropolitan United Church (Lorne Street) to Broad Street.
Aerial view looking northeast over the city. The Legislative Buildings, Wascana Lake and Campion College are seen in foreground. From Thornton Avenue to outer city limits (north), Rae Street to east edge of Wascana Park.
The City of Regina as seen from the top of the Metropolitan Methodist Church. Victoria Park is visible in the left of the frame. Little landscaping has been done to the park.