- Archief
- 1925-1995, predominant 1960-1995
Fonds consists of drawings and sketches by Bloore; correspondence with public and private art galleries; personal correspondence, including artists Ted Godwin, Ray Kiyooka, Ernest Lindner, David Thaughberger, Claude Breeze, Ken Lochhead, Doug Morton, and Jan Wyers; catalogues, notices, posters, and other publicity materials relating to exhibitions of artworks by Bloore and other artists; articles by and about Bloore; organization, committee, and general subject files relating to Bloore's professional and charitable activities; newspaper clippings;. lecture notes, correspondence, and other records relating to his teaching career, chiefly at York University; personal financial, health, and legal records, including extensive documentation and photographs relating to Bloore's role as executor of the Theodore Allen Heinrich estate; and photographs, negatives, and slides depicting works of art by Bloore and other artists, family, friends, gallery openings, and Bloore's travels in North and Central America, Europe, and Africa; and sound recordings pertaining to the "Regina Five" and Innuit art.
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