Drylanders' Park Prairie Settlement Museum fonds
- SCM-RG-0037
- Fonds
- 1965 - 1979
The fonds, related to the Drylanders' Park Prairie Settlement Museum, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Documents, re: Drylanders' Park, forerunner of Doc's Town
-Spiral notebook with minutes, newspaper clippings, suggestions for project, 1979
-Constitution and Bylaws, 1971; application for incorporation
-Constitution of the Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society
-Notifications of exploratory meeting, and notes on the meeting, April 23, 1971
-Blank survey from Saskatchewan Museums Association, 1973
-Correspondence; re: request for Charitable Status, 1972
-Swift Current Chamber of Commerce members, 1970
-Saskatchewan Museums Association, 1973
-Correspondence, re: tax return for all societies incorporated under the Societies Act, 1972
-Letter to City Commissioner M. Butterfield, from Saskatchewan Industry Department, re: funding
-Copy of The Societies Act (An Act respecting Benevolent and Other Societies)
-Draft Bylaws for writing guidance
-Copy of Act creating the Western Development Museum (WDM), 1965
-Application for incorporation of Saskatchewan Museums Association (SMA); Saskatchewan Museums Association (SMA) constitution
-Minutes of SMA Executive meeting, 1971
-Document, re: "Some Considerations In Setting Up A Saskatchewan Community Museum"
-Western Development Museum (WDM) Annual Report, 1970
-Speech, re: national cultural survey
-Correspondence, re: funding for labour in Saskatchewan Museums Association (SMA) organizations
Drylanders' Park Prairie Settlement Museum