The Agnes (Frejd) Richards fonds consists of 34 cm of textual records. This includes 16 textbooks brought from Ontario to assist Mrs. Richards in her classroom. The textbooks cover a variety of subjects, such as poetry, composition, history, nature study, and arithmetic.
This fonds is material pertaining to Harold John “Jack” Elliott. It includes material from his memorial service, his military and police service, and items from his childhood. There are three series in this fonds: Memorial Service, Military and Police Service, and Memorabilia.
This fonds contains the records of the Brotherhood of the Railroad Trainmen at Moose Jaw Lodge #34. It consists of financial ledgers, attendance registers and minute books from 1889-1952. Many of the minute books include member lists, attendance records and election results.
The Elks Club fonds consists of 11 series: Scrapbooks and Clippings, Financial Records, Legal Documents, Meetings and Conferences, Publications, Correspondence, Membership, Events, Rules and Regulations, History of the Lodge and Lodge Renovations. This fonds also contains some material from the Elks Club auxiliary group, The Order of the Royal Purple.
This fonds contains a minute book of meetings of trustees and ratepayers, daily registers for attendance at the Blofield School No. 1307, an inventory of the land and the school building, correspondence from the secretary treasurer of the Blofield School District as well as notes from a meeting of the School Board.
This fonds contains photocopies of the Daily Registers for attendance of students at the Buffalo Lake School S.D. No. 119 kept by the teachers. Also included are photocopies of a financial ledger documenting the expenditures of the said school.
This fonds consists of two scrapbooks of the Moose Jaw Co-operative Women's Guild containing photographs and newspaper clippings concerning the Moose Jaw Co-operative Women's Guild.
This fonds contains material about the Green Family. It includes a program from the Moose Jaw School District No. 1 Semi-Centennial, where on page 11 John R. Green wrote about his memories of the school, a Margaret Eaton School Calendar, where Eva Green is listed as a student in 1929, and an RNS Program. It also includes Zion United Church booklets that lists Frances and Eva Green’s names, a booklet for the Fran Pieran Club, a G.P. Plaxton Real Estate booklet, a binder belonging to Eva Green that contains newspaper clippings booklets on local council, business and professional women, and other things of interest, and three Central Collegiate school yearbooks belonging to Eva and Frances Green.
This fonds consists of seven scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, cards, letters, memorabilia and photographs of many topics including family, antiques, the auction business, and British royalty compiled by Laurie Drackett and his second wife Hazel Drackett. There are two posters advertising auction sales and one listing an implement dealers competition, as well as a sheet of blank letterhead and an envelope.
Several original copies of the newspaper have been transferred to the Moose Jaw Public Library newspaper holdings. The balance consists of some copies, reprints and loose items that accompanied the papers.
This fonds consists of four series. Included is a copy of the constitution, membership lists, treasurers records, correspondence, schedules and reports of field trips and other activities. There is a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, 3 photographs and some programs of activities of the Moose Jaw Natural History Society from 1957 to 1977, an album of nature photography that was presented to the Moose Jaw Public Library in 1982 to commemorate Moose Jaw’s 100th anniversary, and a file of newspaper clippings. This fonds also includes slides, some sets with scripts. Other slides are of nature and wildlife taken by members on field trips. There are copies of constitutions from three other Saskatchewan cities, a few newsletters from other Natural History Societies and four copies of “The Blue Jay Magazine”.
This collection consists of a scrapbook, primarily newspaper clippings of the activities and events of the Moose Jaw CDL between the years 1931 to 1962. There are also sections in the scrapbook of newspaper clippings on Canadian women, and Canadian war news. Most of the clippings are undated and no sources cited.
This fond consists of various photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, advertising and histories relating to the Joyner family and Joyner’s Department Store in Moose Jaw. It does not include business records of the store other than some advertising materials.