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Griffin (Sask.)
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1955 Indian Head Baseball tournament card

A card containing the events of the 1954 Indian Head baseball tournament on the front side.
Advertisements for the other events happening the nights after the tournament and charts to allow fans to keep score on the back side.

Creelman, Griffin, Fillmore, Tyvan, Prairie Points Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 147
  • Fonds
  • 1903–2021

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by several associated churches and their varying governing pastoral charges: Creelman, Griffin, Creelman-Griffin, Fillmore, Tyvan, Tyvan-Osage, Prairie Points, as well as predecessors and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and youth groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, councils, sessions, stewards, congregational, trustee meetings; meetings of local Ladies Aid Societies, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Women’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; records from Sunday Schools, study groups, Young Peoples’ Society, and C.G.I.T.; correspondence and property files; financial records and annual reports; church histories and anniversary materials; historic rolls and communion rolls; Home Mission Record Books and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Creelman, Sequin, Prairie Lea, Huntoon, Innis, White Rock, Mona, Griffin, Crieff, Froude, Huronville, Fillmore, Osage, Corning, Tyvan, Latham, Storthoaks, Talmage and related locations.

Prairie Points Pastoral Charge