- SCM-RG-0012-0002
- Series
- ? - 1998-05-15
Part of Margaret Wright fonds
The fonds, related to the Wright Museum, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Folder labelled “Museum”: material related to court case (United States District Court for the District of Kansas): John Wright, Colleen Harron and Andrea Simpson v Manions International Auction House, Inc.; 1999.
-Folder: items related to the efforts of the Wright Museum to sell items from its collection (includes correspondence, export declarations, auction inventory reports, etc.); 1987-1988.
-Folder labelled “Wright Museum”: material related to the establishment of the Wright Museum in the 1960s and the liquidation of museum artifacts in the 1990s. Includes correspondence, photocopies of newspaper articles on the Wright Museum, inventory/artifact list and corresponding descriptions, includes two photographs.
-Folder labelled “Haynes Auction”: material related to the liquidation of Wright Museum artifacts (through the Andy Wright Museum Estate) via Bud Haynes & Co. Auctioneers; 1993.
-Folder labelled [Correspondence; 1970s]: various correspondence and some newspaper clippings; also contains 14 photographs
-Folder labelled [Miscellaneous; 1960s-1970s]: includes travel itineraries; receipts/invoices; appraisal notes; ‘voice-over’ script for radio commercial
-288 photographs ; 225 negatives; 26 slides
-Mohawk Arms Militia Auction Catalog 11; November 20, 1987
-Mohawk Arms Militia Auction Catalog 17; February 24, 1990
-Folder labelled [Newspaper Clippings; 1970s-1980s]
-Foreign language newssheet; October 1944