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Swift Current (Sask.)
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Wright Museum

The fonds, related to the Wright Museum, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Folder labelled “Museum”: material related to court case (United States District Court for the District of Kansas): John Wright, Colleen Harron and Andrea Simpson v Manions International Auction House, Inc.; 1999.
-Folder: items related to the efforts of the Wright Museum to sell items from its collection (includes correspondence, export declarations, auction inventory reports, etc.); 1987-1988.
-Folder labelled “Wright Museum”: material related to the establishment of the Wright Museum in the 1960s and the liquidation of museum artifacts in the 1990s. Includes correspondence, photocopies of newspaper articles on the Wright Museum, inventory/artifact list and corresponding descriptions, includes two photographs.
-Folder labelled “Haynes Auction”: material related to the liquidation of Wright Museum artifacts (through the Andy Wright Museum Estate) via Bud Haynes & Co. Auctioneers; 1993.
-Folder labelled [Correspondence; 1970s]: various correspondence and some newspaper clippings; also contains 14 photographs
-Folder labelled [Miscellaneous; 1960s-1970s]: includes travel itineraries; receipts/invoices; appraisal notes; ‘voice-over’ script for radio commercial
-288 photographs ; 225 negatives; 26 slides
-Mohawk Arms Militia Auction Catalog 11; November 20, 1987
-Mohawk Arms Militia Auction Catalog 17; February 24, 1990
-Folder labelled [Newspaper Clippings; 1970s-1980s]
-Foreign language newssheet; October 1944

William Lunan fonds

  • SCM-RG-0080
  • Fonds
  • 1913 - 1945

The fonds, related to William Lunan, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

The memoirs of Bill Lunan begin with his family’s move to the Cantuar district in 1913, his years as a farmer, farming conditions in the region until the 1940s, Cantuar businesses and individuals, some early Swift Current information, information on the life style of homesteaders in the Cantuar district in the early 1900s. Tom Milroy, Everett Hunter, Bert McPherson, Jack Hart, Joseph Regan and boys from the Cantuar region who did not return from World War I.

William John McTaggart fonds

  • SCM-RG-0087
  • Fonds
  • [Photocopied 201-?]

Fonds consists of black-and-white and colour photocopies of letters and telegrams to William John McTaggart's father about McTaggart being missing in action and taken prisoner of war, as well as copies of a telegram and letters to McTaggart, including one from the Caterpillar Club. Also includes handwritten information about McTaggart by his sister-in-law, a photocopy of an article about McTaggart's grandparents, and a photocopy of McTaggart's log book to be qualified as an air gunner. Also includes six photographs of 13 other photographs of McTaggart, some certificates, medals, and some photos from the Second World War.

William Chew fonds

  • SCM-RG-0020
  • Fonds
  • 1911-1972

The fonds, related to William Chew, were created by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The fonds consists of six series. Series 1: 'Horse Co-Operative Marketing Ass'n Ltd.' ; Series 2: 'Saskatchewan Wool Products'; Series 3: 'Other business documents'; Series 4: 'Personal documents and Modern News'.; Series 5: 'Chinese documents'; Series 6: 'Photographs".

Series 1 consists of the following documents: 8 copies of a letter from the Secretary General of the HCMA, 'to Whom It May Concern', regarding William Chew; 3 copies of a letter to William Chew from the Secretary General of the HCMA regarding the selling of canned horse meat and gravy to China (2 pages); 3 typed pages entirely in Chinese characters; 2 letters from the HCMA to William Chew, each regarding the shipping canned horse meat and gravy [one letter also mentions the death of Janey Howell, daughter of Ralph Howell and friend of Victor]; a Hong Kong import licence and a CPR bill for shipping horse meat; a letter from William Chew to the HCMA regarding sample cans of horse meat and gravy; a letter (with envelope) from Manlung & Co. Importers and Exporters in Hong Kong to the HCMA;[the following items have been removed from A.2007.33 and moved to Subject Files; 7 copies of horse meat and gravy specifications (5 pages); 11 copies of blank paper with a HCMA letterhead]

Series 2 consists of the following documents: 8 pieces of correspondence between William Chew and representatives of Saskatchewan Wool Products regarding the selling of SWP blankets in Hong Kong; 2 copies of SWP price list from 1948 (not identical).

Series 3 consists the following documents: 5 letters (with envelopes) from Manlung & Co. Importers and Exporters of Hong Kong to various North American business proposing that business between the two organizations be conducted by William Chew; 3 receipts from Hong Kong businesses; 3 pieces of correspondence from William Chew to Canadian companies, regarding the trade of Hong Kong goods; an invoice of products from Manlung & Co. to W.W. Cooper Ltd. of Swift Current.
Series 4 consists of the following documents: confirmation of hotel reservations in Victoria B.C. for William Chew; negative of a letter pertaining to the immigration of William Chew's sons from China; two pieces of correspondence between the Kuo Min Tang (Vancouver) and William Chew; one piece of correspondence between the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria) and William Chew; 2 pieces of correspondence from an MLA of Saskatchewan and the Mayor of Swift Current, attesting to William Chew's character and industry; a document from the Chinese Association of Swift Current, written in Chinese; stationary with a "Modern News" letterhead containing text written in Chinese characters; a certificate written in Chinese characters; total sales for "Modern News" between May 1 and September 30, 1948; a letter inviting William Chew to take his oath of citizenship; envelopes from photograph developing shops in Hong Kong and Swift Current [envelopes discarded] (photos 46-52, 65-67 in Silvery Photo envelopes [envelope discarded]; 68-71 found in Goodman Studio, Swift Current [envelope discarded]; photos identical to 47 found in Moen's Swift Current [envelope discarded]); newspaper clipping; three pieces of identification, re: Chinese heritage; flyer for travel to the Orient.

Series 5 consists of twenty documents that are written entirely, or almost entirely, in Chinese, and which would require translation to learn anything more about their meaning.

Series 6 consists of photographs of William Chew, Victor Chew, Andrew Chew, and other members of the Chew family.

Chew, William

Ted Michie

The fonds, related to Ted Michie, was accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-scrapbook #1, typed newspaper articles, from 1911
-scrapbook #2, typed newspaper articles, from c. 1911 - 1912
-scrapbook #3, typed newspaper articles, from c, 1912 - 1913
-scrapbook #4, typed newspaper articles, from c. 1914 - 1916
-scrapbook #5, typed newspaper articles, from c. 1917 - 1918, mostly pertaining to accidents, death and crime
-scrapbook #6, typed newspaper articles, from c. 1917 - 1919
-scrapbook #7, typed newspaper articles, from c. 1917 - 1919, mostly pertaining to city council and services, board of trade, police and fire departments, personal and sports near the back, death and crime on the last pages
-notebook: typed newspaper articles, 1911, pertaining to the misc. events in 1911, inc. Fair, injuries, also letters by William Simpson
-folder #1, typed pages of letters from men during WWI, inc. Captain David Meikle (killed in action), W.C.D. Crombie, Sgt. Todd, Jack Shaw, Private R.J. Staughan, B.S. Clough, Harold Thomson, Andrew Henderson, Jack Griffith, M.A. MacPherson, William McTaggart, substantial information on men form SC in WWI, other WWI related notes, 73 loose pages
-folder #2, 1914-1916, documents pertaining to civic elections, financial issues, a real estate conflict between D.Y. Leslie and the city, public health, city planning, hiring of a city engineer, unemployment. city repair and development, police department, 50 loose pages
-folder #3, 1914 - 1916, documents pertaining to Orange Day, recreation, a baby competition, sporting events, personal news, crimes, deaths and injuries, road construction, etc., 30 loose pages
-folder #4, typed articles from the newspaper, from 1918, 71 loose pages
-folder #5, typed articles from the newspaper, from 1919, 50 loose pages
-folder #6, typed articles from the newspaper, from 1920, 94 loose pages
-folder #7, notes on the history of SC, 247 loose pages

Michie, Ted

T. M. Morgan fonds

  • MJ-137
  • Fonds
  • [1914-1918]

This fonds contains Lieutenant T. M Morgan’s photo album of the timber operation by No. 106 Company, Canadian Forestry Corps during the First World War. The photographs were taken in Knockando, Moray-shire, Scotland. Most of the photographs are labeled. T. M. Morgan is the first on the left of the last row of the unlabeled group photo.

Morgan, T. M.

Swift Current Tourism Committee/Horseshoe Tourism Region

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Tourism Committee and the Horseshoe Tourism Region, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-correspondence re: Tourism Swift Current board; minutes and agendas for Tourism board meetings, 1990, 1993, 1996 - 1998; memoranda, often from Erin Lightfoot, Brad Wall; brochure re: City, SC Tourism, 1998; correspondence re: financial assistance, misc, correspondence, 1990; SWRAnews (South West Recreation Association) newsletter; constitution and bylaws of the South West Tourism Association; Horse Shoe Challenge; correspondence between tourism committee and community groups, Swift Current Tourism initiatives, 1993 - 1998

Swift Current Tourism Committee / Horseshoe Tourism Region

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Tourism Committee and the Horseshoe Tourism Region, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

  • Correspondence
  • Newsletter – Around the Horseshoe
  • Brochures / pamphlets
  • Booklet – Official Travel Guide to Southwest Saskatchewan
  • 1995 Official Service & Event Guide (Horseshoe)
    SC Tourism Committee
  • Correspondence
  • SWRA News (South West recreation Association)
  • Minutes, Tourism Swift Current 1995 – 1998
  • Letters / Correspondence
  • Host Program Options
  • Minutes
  • Discover Swift Current Saskatchewan 1998, booklet

Swift Current Tourism Committee

Swift Current Sun fonds

  • SCM-RG-0021
  • Fonds
  • 25 July 1997

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Sun, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

Swift Current Sun

Swift Current Sun

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Sun, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

1: “Director’s Report”, signed by Moore and Marshall (1 pg), re: purchasing of the area of the Charles Reid store where the newspaper is printed over the course of 11 years, 1917

2: “Memorandum of Association" and "Articles of Association" of the Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., with list of share owners (3 pg), November 11 1905

3: shareholders resolution re: abilities of the directors of the company (1 pg), November 25 1931

4: shareholders resolution re: borrowing money from Charles Reid (1 pg), November 26 1931

5: shareholders resolution re: borrowing money from Charles Reid (1 pg), May 9 1938

6: correspondence from R.T. Graham & Co. (Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries), Graham is sending several (notarized?) documents to The Sun with instructions to pass them onto Begg & Hayes (lawyers) (1 pg), December 1 1931

7: shareholders resolution that includes a waiver by shareholders of notice of the time and place of a general meeting, and permission to borrow money form Charles Reid (1 pg), December 1 1931 (this letter was referenced in item #6)

8: shareholders resolution re: borrowing money from Charles Reid (1 pg), December 2 1931

9: correspondence from W.W. Cooper, re: share certificates (1 pg), October 25 1915

10: list of shareholders (1 pg), October 24 1910

11: indenture of lease between Charles Reid and Sam Moore, November 23 1911

12: declaration signed by Charles Marshall, re: transfer of shares to Edgar Burke, March 19 1935

13: declaration signed by Edgar Burke, re: transfer of shares to Mahlon Hutchinson, James Greenblat and Robert Moore, March 20 1935

14: certificate for one share of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to John McNulty May 11 1912, transferred to Charles Marshall, May 21 1917

15: certificate for ten shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to John McNulty January 22 1913, transferred to Charles Marshall, May 21 1917

16: cancelled certificate for 20 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to W.M. Yates, November 1 1906, transferred to Charles Reid November 17 1906 (see attached letter)

17: cancelled certificate for 1215 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to S.R. Moore, November 8 1913

18: cancelled certificate for 135 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to S.R. Moore, November 8 1913

19: cancelled certificate for 30 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to Charles Reid, November 1 1906

20: canceled certificate for 14 shares of The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., originally issued to Mahlon Hutchinson, May 15 1920, transferred to Margaret Isabella McDonald May 15 1920, attached documents re: transfer of shares from Margaret Isabella McDonald to S.R. Moore, July 8 and October 3 1929

21: "Increase of Capital of a Company", notification that The Sun Printing and Publishing Company Ltd. has increased its capital from 2500 to 15 000, June 2 1914

Swift Current Sun

Swift Current Sun

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Sun, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1- Personnel cards, 78 cards
.2- Stock certificates, 11
.3- U. I. deductions, 6
.4- 30 U. I. Monthly remittances
.5- Cash book
.6- 4 office keys
.7- Schedule of machine numbers – 1973
.8- Schedule of machine numbers – 1976
.9- Appraisal – 1976
.10- Appraisal – 1973
.11- Schedule of machine numbers 1968
.12- Appraisal 1968
.13- Sale agreement, 7 items
.14- 13 Women’s Compensation papers
.15- Declaration of Inconsiderable employment papers, 10 items
.16- 8 Income tax returns
.17- Misc. receipts, 22 items
.18- Sun agreements / contracts, 32 items
.19- Publishers statement of Mailing, 5 items
.20- Misc. receipts #2, 23 items
.21- Sun misc. papers, 51 items
.22- Sun misc. correspondence 22 items

Swift Current Sun

Swift Current Social Justice Coordinating Committee

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Social Justice Coordinating Committee, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Series 1 (A.1996.1.1): Binder
Dates: 1987 - 1991
Extent: 5 cm textual records
Scope and content: series consists of a red binder with the following tabbed headings: Minutes, Financial, Ten Days, Correspondence, Publicity, Members, RICDEP

Series 2 (A.1996.1.2): Printed Material (1)
Dates: ca. 1987 - 1991
Extent: 2 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains information on the Swift Current Social Justice Coordinating Committee, including information on working with local schools and teachers, promotional material, out reach material

Series 3 (A.1996.1.3): Financial Statements
Dates: ca. 1987 - 1991
Extent: 2 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains a yellow case of financial statements

Series 4 (A.1996.1.4): Printed Material (2)
Dates: ca. 1987 - 1991
Extent: 2 cm textual records
Scope and content: series contains information on the Swift Current Social Justice Coordinating Committee, including minutes, press releases, promotional and outreach material, information on "10 Days for World Development" program

Swift Current Social Justice Coordinating Committee

Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93 fonds

  • SCM-RG-0002
  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 2014

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93, was created by the source during its existence. Records include 25th anniversary records, administrative files, celebration tea, club history, memberships, meeting minutes, miscellaneous records, newspaper clippings, and reports.

Swift Current Royal Purple Lodge Number 93

Swift Current Rotary Club fonds

  • SCM-RG-0022
  • Fonds
  • 23 July 2010

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Rotary Club, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

Swift Current Rotary Club

Swift Current Rotary Club

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Rotary Club, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Swift Current Rotary Club history book, started in 1963 and covers history since the 1920s

Swift Current Rotary Club

Results 1 to 15 of 222