Affichage de 25 résultats

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John Tozeland fonds

  • PR 19
  • Fonds
  • ca.1866–1913

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. Tozeland, before and during his time as a Methodist minister. Contents include: a photo of Rev. Tozeland (no date) and other collected items; as well as various sermons, essays and notes (mostly not dated).

Sans titre

Battleford District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 13
  • Fonds
  • 1906–1925

The fonds consists of financial district minutes and statements (1905-1924), Ministerial Session minutes (1906-1925), and Sunday School records (1915-1918) from Battleford District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Goose Lake District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 14
  • Fonds
  • 1911–1921

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1911-1921) from Goose Lake District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Rouleau District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 22
  • Fonds
  • 1914–1921

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1914-1921) from Rouleau District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Shaunavon District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 24
  • Fonds
  • 1914–1925

The fonds consists of financial district minutes and statements (1914-1924), and Ministerial Session minutes (1915-1925) from Shaunavon District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Weyburn District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 26
  • Fonds
  • 1909–1925

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1909-1925) from Weyburn District.

Sans titre

Walter C. Murray fonds

  • PR 03
  • Fonds
  • 1905–1928

Fonds consists of papers primarily relating to Dr. Murray's work with the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Canada. Murray, who was a prominent Presbyterian, supported the church union movement (which led to the founding of the United Church, in 1925) and these records cover his time on the Joint Committee on Union, from 1905, and later as a member of the Dominion Church Property Commission, ca.1924-1928, which assigned assets of the three uniting churches (Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregationalist).

Contents include: reports, Records of Proceedings (minutes) and other papers relating to the Joint Committee on Union and its sub-committees; correspondence, notes and exhibits relating to the Dominion Church Property Commission; and additional correspondence relating to Church Union.

Sans titre

Prairie Church History collection

  • FG 11
  • Collection
  • 1873–1962

The collection consists of a range of documents relating to Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian churches and related activities in Saskatchewan and elsewhere in the prairies.

Contents include histories, articles, addresses and other papers on: Congregationalism, Methodism, Presbyterianism in Saskatchewan; missionary work and communities in Prince Albert, Carrot River, Canora, and Norway House; Sunday Schools; C.G.I.T. and Y.W.C.A. groups; ministerial associations; Doukhobors; Ukranians; the Greek Orthodox Church; and Anglican Missions.

Authors include: Rev. W.P. McHaffie (Conference Historian and Archivist to Saskatchewan Methodist Conference); John MacLean (Chief Archivist, Wesley College Library, Winnipeg); Rev. Frederick Passmore; Rev. George Daniel; Rev. W.M. Moore; Rev. E.H. Oliver; Rev. J.R. McDonald; Rev. George Arthur; Allan Bowerman, J.L. Stewart; Alfred Carter; R.H. Hamilton; John L. Nichol; Lydia Gruchy; M. Stechinshin (Yorkton); John Roberts Kovalevitch; Rev. A.J. Hunter; Rev. P.C. Crath; E. Eustace and Maxim Berezynski; Dr. A.E. Archer (Lamont, Alberta); A. Bereka; Mrs. C.H. Monro (Ethelbert, Manitoba); Rev. John Gregorash; Rev. Theo Bay; Rev. J.A. Louseley.

Biographies collection

  • FG 20
  • Collection
  • ca.1903–2001

The collection consists of primarily textual materials relating to various ministers and other lay people associated with the United Church, in Saskatchewan. Contents include obituaries, newspaper articles, pamphlets, programs, publications, and various other documents containing biographical information. Some are accompanied by portraits.

Balcarres District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 12
  • Fonds
  • 1906–1925

The fonds consists of financial district minutes and statements (1906-1925), and Ministerial Session minutes (1907-1925) from Balcarres District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Moose Jaw District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 16
  • Fonds
  • 1901–1925

The fonds consists of textual materials created and collected by Moose Jaw District of the Methodist Church. Contents include: financial district minutes and statements (1904-1909); and two volumes of Ministerial Session minutes (1901-1925). The Ministerial Session volumes also include minutes from Regina District (1901-1902), from Regina-Moosomin District (1903), and from Rouleau District (1921-1922).

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Oxbow District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 18
  • Fonds
  • 1915–1919

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1915 and 1919) from Oxbow District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Church Histories collection

  • FG 19
  • Collection
  • ca.1925–1986

The collection consists primarily of documents relating to the histories of various local churches in Saskatchewan. Contents include written historical narratives (sketches) and notes, newspaper articles, pamphlets, and publications. Among these are volumes 1 and 2 of the local history book "Early History of Saskatchewan Churches (Grass Roots)", compiled and edited by Meredith B. Banting, ca.1975.

Arcola District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 11
  • Fonds
  • 1904–1925

The fonds consists of financial district minutes and statements (1904-1921), and Ministerial Session minutes (1905-1925) from Arcola District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

Rosetown District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 21
  • Fonds
  • 1919–1925

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1919-1925) from Rosetown District of the Methodist Church.

Sans titre

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