- IHM.2021.0323
- Item
- [189-?]
Part of Town Collection
A photo of two people in a sleigh outside a brick house in the winter. Reverse says: "With Xmas greetings from Kie house (?). Indian Head. Canada"
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Part of Town Collection
A photo of two people in a sleigh outside a brick house in the winter. Reverse says: "With Xmas greetings from Kie house (?). Indian Head. Canada"
Part of Town Collection
Inside W.M.P. Starr's general store.
Part of Town Collection
Photograph of the brick commercial/residential George Thompson block on the west side of Grand Avenue (across from the current Indian Head Bakery).
People - mainly men and boys - are on the street, on bicycles in a horse-drawn carriage and leaning out of upper story windows. The photo is glued onto yellow manila paper with the caption "William Conn 514 Grand'.
Wheat crop stacked on wagons for threshing
Part of Agriculture Collection
Wagons stacked with tall piles of wheat ready for threshing.
Part of Town Collection
A portrait photo of Violet McAfee, Thomas and Elizabeth McAfee's daughter.
View of the Bell farmyard in 1884
Part of Agriculture Collection
Laminated reproduction of a photo from the Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal. The labels at the bottom of the photograph identify: "Bell Farmhouse"; "round stone barn"; "proposed new barn site" (with an arrow); "wooden barns".
The original Presbyterian Church in Indian Head
Part of Church Religion Collection
The first Presbyterian Church in Indian Head, erected in 1882 at the northwest corner of Boyle and Eden Streets (see Indian Head History Book p119).
The old Peltier Block at the corner of Water Street and Grand Avenue
Part of Town Collection
Photograph of the Peltier (Pelletier) Block including two shops - Hamilton Brothers Furniture and Tufnell's Mens Store. There are three men in the doorway of the former and one man in the doorway of the latter.
Sunny South School District 161 meeting records
Part of School Collection
466 pages of minutes from the meetings involving the trustees of the Sunny South School District 161
Sunny South School District No. 161
Part of Church Religion Collection
Portrait orientation photograph of the original St. John's Anglican Church which was built at the same time (1895) as the adjacent Bishop's Court south of the CPR.
St Chad's Anglican Church - Sunny South
Part of Church Religion Collection
Blurry photo of the church with names of church members.
Part of Businesses Collection
Winter photograph of the front of Ross Bros. Livery Stable ~ 410 Grand Avenue - just north of the current China Garden restaurant.
Rev. Thomas McAfee and Elizabeth (Swan) McAfee
Part of Town Collection
Rev. McAfee and his wife Elizabeth posing for a portrait photo.
Part of Town Collection
A portrait photo of Rev. Thomas McAfee.
Part of Church Religion Collection
Rev. G.N Dobie was the priest of St. John's Anglican Church in Indian Head from 1895 to 1909. He left to become the Warden of St. Chad's College, Regina, and later became Archdeacon and Dean of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle
St. John's Anglican Church (Indian Head)