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Biggar (Sask.)
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2271 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Your Majesties Train Caboose

Large group of people gathered around the caboose of a train on the train tracks
Some people are standing and sitting on the roofs of buildings in the background
Union Jack flags are strung up in rows and a white banner saying "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" is hung in the background

Your Majesties Train Caboose

Large group of people gathered around the caboose of a train on the train tracks. Some people are standing and sitting on the roofs of buildings in the background. Union Jack flags are strung up in rows and a white banner saying "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" is hung in the background

"Xmas Biggar 1939"

A view of Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan at night; there is snow on the ground and there are lights strung up over the street and a Christmas tree is set up in the middle of the intersection. The two closest buildings have signs which read "Savoy Cafe" and "Canada Hotel"

W.W. Mitchell

W.W. Mitchell wearing a sweater and hat standing in front of a doorway of a building with "Cockshut[?] Farm Implements" written on the window.

Spencer Photo Service, North Battleford

Women's Curling Bonspiel in Biggar, SK

31 women wearing sweaters and touques, holding straw brooms, in front of a building
Embossed on the bottom right corner of the matte: "G. Davidson Biggar, Sask."
Written on the back of the matte in pencil: "Mrs. Briggs in fur coat"

Results 1 to 15 of 2292