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Only top-level descriptions Moose Jaw (Sask.) Clubs and Associations√
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Heritage Moose Jaw fonds

  • MJ-188
  • Fonds
  • 1978-2000

This fonds reflects the activity of Heritage Moose Jaw. It includes one scrapbook of heritage buildings in Moose Jaw and material about the Moose Jaw Cemetery. The organization received a grant to help restore some of the tombstones in the cemetery and they collected information about the individuals buried there.

Moose Jaw Heritage

Chinese Nationalist League fonds

  • MJ-030
  • Fonds
  • [1920? to 1955?]

The records are primarily Chinese language consisting of membership cards and lists, correspondence and some financial records. Also included are membership pins in sealed and numbered envelopes.

Chinese Nationalist League