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Allan B. VanCleave fonds

  • 78-11
  • Fonds
  • 1948-1976

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers created by Allan Bishop VanCleave, chemistry professor and Dean of Graduate Studies. Included are lecture notes and glass lantern slides on glaciation; records relating to a high school teachers' seminar in chemistry (1960) and the University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association (1948); and colour slides depicting the sod turning, construction, and completed buildings of the main campus, University of Regina. (1962-1976).

VanCleave, Allan Bishop, 1910-1992

Anatol Murad fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1932-1980

Fonds consists of books, articles, book reviews, published and unpublished essays, and translations by economist, Dr. Anatol Murad. Also included are Dr. Murad's Curriculum Vitae, passports, and photograph.

Murad, Anatol, 1904-

Barbara Sutherland Humphrey fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1916-1917

Fonds consists of nursing school examinations for Bacteriology, Medical Nursing, and Hygiene.

Humphrey, Barbara Sutherland

Bruce Wartman fonds

  • PR 16
  • Fonds
  • ca.1940–1977

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. Wartman, before and during his time as an ordained minister, in Saskatchewan. Contents include: correspondence (1954-1958); historical documents by various individuals, including Rev. Wartman, W.B. Baker, and Rev. Frank Hoffman (ca.1940-1982); and annual reports from Regina St. James United Church (1975, 1977, 1978), North Battleford Third Avenue United Church (1960-1961), and Kindersley St. Paul’s, Netherhill and Knox United Churches (1958-1960).

Wartman, Gordon Bruce

City of Regina fonds

  • COR
  • Fonds
  • 1882 - 2001

Fonds consists of the records of the City of Regina and its predecessors.

Edna Carson Korpan fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1918-1972, predominant 1938-1943

Fonds consists of a scrapbook containing photographs, newspaper clippings, invitations, cards, correspondence, and souvenirs. The album documents Edna Korpan's nursing school years including acceptance to the school, class work, nursing balls and graduation, the Royal Visit, classmates, physicians, staff and patients. Album also includes items from the years after Edna Korpan's graduation, including her employment cards with the Regina General Hospital, wedding invitations, clippings of marriages and deaths, photographs of Nick Korpan, photographs of the 1963 nursing alumnae gathering, and souvenirs and photographs of the 1968 Canadian Nurses' Association conference and alumnae gathering.

Korpan, Edna Ann Jane Carson

Eleanor Linnell fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1942 and 1944

Fonds consists of correspondence and photographs documenting Eleanor Linnell's experience as a nursing student. Fonds contains correspondence with A. F. Lawrie, Superintendent of Nurses, regarding entrance to the School of Nursing; invitations to a nursing ball and graduation ceremonies; newspaper clippings; and ephemera. Also included are photographs of nursing students and staff, case rooms and operating rooms.

Stundon, Eleanor Frances Linnell

Etta Birdsall fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1917-[1918?]

Fonds consists of photographs depicting Etta Birdsall; the Regina General Hospital and Nurses' Residence Wing; and physicians, nurses and nursing students. Fonds also contains a postcard of the Metropolitan Methodist Church and YWCA buildings of Regina, and a list of instructions for the hours, duties, decorum and attire of waitress work nurses (kitchen staff) employed in the Nurses' Home.

Garnham, Etta Birdsall

Jack Sures fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1949-1999

This collection contains catalogues, publications, passports, certificates, correspondence, minutes and other formal documents from arts organizations, photographs, slides, negatives, video tapes, eight-millimetre film, architectural drawings, sketchbooks, media clippings, and one ceramic art work presented to Jack Sures from his students. His art works, exhibitions, travels, commissions, teaching career and personal contacts are well documented through this expanse of material.

Sures, Jack

Lesley Weston Ellis fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1926-1929

Fonds consists of graduation portraits of students from the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, including a portrait of Lesley Weston Ellis. One portrait is believed to be from the School of Nursing in Brandon, Manitoba.

Ellis, Lesley Mary Weston

Lynne McRorie Robertson fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1951-1984, predominant 1951-1957

Fonds consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, certificates, invitations, and souvenirs. The records document Lynn McRorie Robertson's experiences as a nursing student, including acceptance to the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, regulations of the school, extracurricular and graduation events, training in first aid and civil defence, and physicians. Fonds also includes Robertson's staff nametag and RGH bar pin, and a newspaper clipping of John Herbert Robertson.

Robertson, Lynne Dolores McRorie

Nora Eddy Kitchen fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1928-1979

Fonds consists of a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, invitations, cards, correspondence, photographs, news bulletins, and ephemera regarding Nora Kitchen, graduates of the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, graduates of other hospitals, and physicians of Regina. Topics include Kitchen's acceptance to nursing school; nursing student activities and graduation exercises; engagements, marriages, births, and deaths; nursing placements in Africa, commissions during World War II, professional appointments, and retirements; the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing and the Superintendent of Nurses; awards of merit; and Regina General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association.

Kitchen, Nora Mary Eddy

Nurses' Christian Fellowship fonds

  • Box 159
  • Fonds
  • 1966, 1967

Fonds consists of a Graduation Banquet guest book, signed by those in attendance at the annual spring banquet for the years 1966 and 1967.

Nurses' Christian Fellowship (Regina General Hospital School of Nursing)

Pasqua Hospital fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1954-1993, predominant 1968-1987

Fonds consists of correspondence, financial statements, patient accounts, budgets, statistics, ledgers, accounting manual, and reports that reflect the financial activities of the Pasqua Hospital. Fonds also includes minutes of the Medical Staff and Department Heads; affiliation agreements between the University of Saskatchewan and the Regina Teaching Hospitals, South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre and Wascana Institute of Applied Arts and Technology (WIAST), and Pasqua Hospital and Queen's University; records of the Health Sciences Library; and construction photographs and other records relating to the regeneration building program.

Pasqua Hospital (Regina, Sask.)

Plains Health Centre fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1951-1996, predominant 1969-1994

The fonds consists of: Correspondence; minutes of departments and committees; studies and reports, including bed allocation, "Beds Needs Study and Functional Program for Emergency and Critical Care Services" (Atkinson report), space evaluation, hospital waiting list, nuclear medicine services in Regina and teaching accreditation survey; agreements, including the Hospital of Regina Foundation sharing agreement, affiliation agreement between the University of Saskatchewan and Regina Teaching Hospitals, and medical office agreements; institutional by-laws, policies and procedures, rules and regulations; reference materials, including articles, bulletins, pamphlets and reports; surveys and questionnaires; statistics; financial records, personnel and labour relations records, photographs of Plains Health Centre people, buildings and events; conference files; patient education material for diabetes; disaster plans; subject files; hospital accreditation records; records of construction and renovation; manuals; records of donations, bequests and fundraising; and records of quality assurance.

Fonds documents the relationship between the Plains Health Centre and the following external departments, agencies and associations: Canadian Cancer Society; Allan Blair Memorial Clinic; Provincial Laboratory Services; Saskatchewan Healthcare Associations; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan; Canadian Medical Association; Saskatchewan Medical Association; College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; Canadian Hospital Association; Saskatchewan Association of Health Service Executives; Saskatchewan Council of Teaching Hospitals; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Union of Nurses; Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association; Hospitals of Regina Foundation; Kinsmen Foundation Inc.; Saskatchewan Heart Foundation; Saskatchewan Lung Association; United Way Campaign; and XZ Service Club of Regina [Zonta International Club]. Fonds also documents the South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre Board and the Regina District Health Board.

Plains Health Centre (Regina, Sask.)

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