Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
- A-3854
- Item
- 1932
A Barred Rock chicken and a rooster standing on top of a labeled box which will be used for exporting them. Annotation on box: From / University / of / Saskatchewan / Saskatoon Canada".
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Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
A Barred Rock chicken and a rooster standing on top of a labeled box which will be used for exporting them. Annotation on box: From / University / of / Saskatchewan / Saskatoon Canada".
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
[Barred Plymouth Rocks] two hens and one rooster sitting on a covered box. A labeled box in background.
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
Chicken and three eggs, chicken hatched in preparation for the first class.
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
Dr. Wilf Rae, professor of Poultry Science, kneeling and taking a chicken out of a nest, with another chicken at his knee.
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
Percy Vials standing with a pail in his hand, feeding Barred Plymouth Rock chicks. Chicken shed, other buildings and car in background.
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens
Cross bred [Barred Rock hens and New Hampshire males] feeding at the trough.
Bio/historical note: The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture gave every encouragement to poultry producers to improve the quality of their market. "Poultry Public", fattening stations were established and numerous killing and fattening demonstrations were given.
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens - Exhibitions
A rack of eight "naked" chickens ready for grading.
Bio/Historical Note: The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture gave every encouragement to poultry producers to improve the quality of their market. "Poultry Public", fattening stations were established and numerous killing and fattening demonstrations were given.
Agriculture - Poultry - Chickens - Exhibitions
Series of three photos showing men working at the processing of chickens at the Poultry Fattening Station.
Bio/Historical Note: The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture gave every encouragement to poultry producers to improve the quality of their market. "Poultry Public", fattening stations were established and numerous killing and fattening demonstrations were given.
Agriculture - Poultry - Grading
W.R. Motherwell (left), Member of Parliament for Melville and former Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture, looking on as three men grade their poultry as they stand amongst crates of birds indoors.
Agriculture - Poultry - Saskatoon Exhibition
Display on a table and a wall showing posters of "Poultry Husbandry", "Soil Sciences". Chickens in wire cages and soil samples in containers on table.
Bio/Historical Note: The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture gave every encouragement to poultry producers to improve the quality of their market. "Poultry Public", fattening stations were established and numerous killing and fattening demonstrations were given.
Agriculture - Poultry - Saskatoon Exhibition
Display on a wall and a table showing a poster, "To Increase Poultry Profits", and a miniature chicken house sitting on table. An incubator is included in display.
Bio/Historical Note: The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture gave every encouragement to poultry producers to improve the quality of their market. "Poultry Public", fattening stations were established and numerous killing and fattening demonstrations were given.
Charts drawn and painted by Ernest Lindner for the educational program. "Farmer "B" Markets Grain as Eggs"; " Farmer "A" Markets Grain Direct"; "Hens Help Solve The Marketing Problem".
Bio/historical note: The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture gave every encouragement to poultry producers to improve the quality of their market. "Poultry Public", fattening stations were established and numerous killing and fattening demonstrations were given.
Agriculture - Poultry - Turkeys
A group of men grading turkey breeding stock on Dr. Campbell's farm near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Barn and ladder in background.
Participants standing around some wire cages in a classroom, some holding chickens, others taking notes. Instructor in foreground; poster on wall in background.
Bio/Historical Note: Walter C. Murray, University President, saw that the College of Agriculture would keep the university close to the life of the people. Between 1909-1912, before they had teaching space, the agriculture faculty developed the agriculture farm and traveled doing extension work, most significantly, with the Better Farming Train. The Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture, W.R. Motherwell, supported extension work with tax revenue funds. In October 1912, the first agriculture class was taught. Both a 3-year associate course and a degree course were available. In 1937 the associate program became the School of Agriculture. The school responded to local farming problems by teaching and research and with new departments directed to these areas.
Students standing around a table with a plucked chicken; some students taking notes.
Bio/Historical Note: Walter C. Murray, University President, saw that the College of Agriculture would keep the university close to the life of the people. Between 1909-1912, before they had teaching space, the agriculture faculty developed the agriculture farm and traveled doing extension work, most significantly, with the Better Farming Train. The Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture, W.R. Motherwell, supported extension work with tax revenue funds. In October 1912, the first agriculture class was taught. Both a 3-year associate course and a degree course were available. In 1937 the associate program became the School of Agriculture. The school responded to local farming problems by teaching and research and with new departments directed to these areas.