Affichage de 61 résultats

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Christie Anne Bjorgan collection

  • 2002-039
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1943] and [ca. 1950]

The collection contains two black and white photographs. One depicts Private Wesley John Flett in 1943 in military dress. The other depicts John William Flett with a team of two horses and a caboose.

Sans titre

Watt, Imogene fonds

  • 2002-07
  • Fonds
  • [194-?] - [195-?]

The fonds contains three scanned black and white photographs from Imogene Watt's personal collection. The original photographs were taken during the 1940's and 1950's. The images are of Golden Stream S.D. #5206 students and staff members.

Sans titre

Frances Slinn fonds

  • 2002-079.
  • Fonds
  • [197-?]

The fonds contains one clour print photograph from Frances Slinn's private collection depicting a Senior's Fair square dance

Sans titre

Rolles, Muriel fonds

  • 2002-08
  • Fonds
  • 2002

The fonds contains two scanned photographs of Berlin S.D. # 1958 school children. The original photographs date between the years 1928 and 1964. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The donor, Muriel Rolles, was a teacher at Berlin S.D. #1958 and the photographs are from her personal collection.

Sans titre

Henning, Margaret fonds

  • MHG
  • Fonds
  • 2002

The fonds contains scanned copies of black and white photographs from Margaret Henning's private collection. The original photographs date form the 1920's to the 1960's. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The photographs are of Berlin S.D. #1958, Napoleon S.D. #3294, Jones S.D. #1483, South Star S.D. #1333, Queen's Park S.D. #377, and Prescott S.D. #3935.

Tom Assaly collection

  • 2003-001
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1924] - 1953

The collection contains black and white original photographs of Melfort sports teams between the years ca. 1924 - 1953. Three feature Melfort hockey teams of the early 1920s, while the reamining four feature Melfort Junior baseball teams of the early 1950s. Historically significant images include those of Melfort's Saskatchewan Junior Champion baseball teams of 1950 - 1953.

Sans titre

Florence Bohn collection

  • 2003-034
  • Fonds
  • 1955 - 1960, predominant 1957

The collection contains scanned copies of black and white photographs belonging to Florence Bohn. The original dates for the photographs range from 1955 to 1960. Five photographs contain images of the Beatty schoolhouse and students. Historically important images include a photograph of Governor General Vincent Massey's visit to Melfort, Saskatchewan in 1955. The photographs were scanned ca. 2003 at 300 dpi with 16 million colours.

Sans titre

Christina De Jong fonds

  • 89-023
  • Fonds
  • between [188-] and [191-]

The fonds contains eight black and white photographs and one tintype in a photograph album. They remain in the order in which they were placed within the album. The photographs are all miniature portraits and, with the exception of the tintype, are mounted on a stiff paper backing. The album (one of two) was originally the property of Christina's parents, and had been brought to Canada from England when John Smith's parents emmigrated.

Sans titre

Emma Whittome fonds

  • EW
  • Fonds
  • 1908-[195-?], predominant 1912-1920

The fonds contains black and white photographs from Emma Whittome's private collection. They date from 1908 to the 1950's. Most of the photographs were taken in the town of Melfort and its surrounding area. The two photographs originally belonging to John Fedde were likely taken in the Melfort area, but this cannot be confirmed. Over half of the photographs are of buildings and streets in the town of Melfort including the Lady Minto Hospital, Broadway School, and local churches. Other subjects include the students and teachers from the Naisberry S.D. #788, Belgrave S.D #2587, Prescott S.D. #3953, and Melfort High School.

Sans titre

James Chatterton Clark Collection

  • JCC
  • Collection
  • 1908-1997, predominant 1908-1962

The collection contains James Chatterton Clark's black and white photographs and a photocopy of one of his photographs. The original dates range from 1908 to 1962. Historically important images in the fonds include a photograph of thirty-six Melfort pioneers and a photograph of Mr. Babington (Melfort Moon Owner), Mr. and Mrs. Clemens (Melfort Post Office and Rothwell S.D #318 )Mr. Mouncy (Livery Stables), and Mr. Clark (first school teacher at Rothwell S.D #318 ). Other images include: the Melfort Band, the Melfort Collegiate, and a Y.M.C.C. Carnival.

Sans titre

Fennell, Cecil fonds

  • 990-020
  • Fonds
  • 1927.

The fonds contains one black and white photograph from Cecil Fennell's personal collection, taken on June 3, 1927 of the "Old Timers' Reunion" at Melfort's first arena.

Sans titre

Glen Etling collection

  • 991-027
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1910]

This is one black and white photograph from Glen Etling's personal collection. The photograph depicts six International Harvester tractors on 100 block Main Street.

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Wesley Aikenhead collection

  • WAH
  • Fonds
  • [190-?] - [197-?]

The collection includes color and black and white photographs and negatives from Wesley Aikenhead's private collection. Most of the images are of Saskatoon, Melfort and Melfort's surrounding area.

Sans titre

Dows, Frank fonds

  • 994-028
  • Fonds
  • May 1926

The fonds contains one framed black and white photograph of the Melfort Public School and students of May of 1926.

Sans titre

Melfort Agricultural Society fonds

  • MAS
  • Fonds
  • 1953-1968, predominant 1968

The fonds contains 11 black and white photographs collected by the Melfort Agricultural Society. The photographs were taken in Melfort, Saskatchewan between 1953 and 1968. They include photographs of society members receiving lifetime memberships and of the Kealey family and farm.

Sans titre

Résultats 46 à 60 sur 61