Affichage de 93 résultats

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Stan Rands fonds

  • 89-70
  • Fonds
  • [193-]-1987

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers created by educator, health administrator, and social activist, Stan Rands, [193_]-1987. Although processing is not complete, the papers are arranged in three broad series: Interests/Involvements/Issues; Personal; and Professional. The bulk of the material is found in the first series which is subdivided by topic into the following sub-series: Aging; Children's Issues; China; Civil Liberties; Clippings - Miscellaneous; Community Issues; Co-operatives and Credit Unions; Education; Health; Labour; Miscellaneous Issues/Involvements; Natives; NDP/CCF; Peace/Disarmament; Pollution; Publications/Writing/Periodicals; Simon Fraser University; Women's Issues; and Youth. Included are correspondence, reports, clippings, addresses, articles, conference papers, bylaws and legislation, briefs, association files, research materials, questionnaires, minutes and meeting files, financial documents, historical materials, notes, pamphlets, and other records relating to the many topics and organizations Rands was involved with. Of particular note is the approximately 2.58 meters of material dealing with health issues and organizations, especially the community clinic movement in Saskatchewan. Records in the Health sub-series have been arranged in the following categories: Community Health Services Association Board of Directors; Community Health Services Association - General; Community Clinic History; Community Health Cooperative Federation; Health Care and Medical Issues; Saskatchewan Health and Medical Issues; Legal/Ethical Issues in Medicine; Local Community Clinics and Associations; Medicare; Mental Health; and Related Materials pertaining to the Group Health Association of America, the Hall Commission on Health Services; Hospital Privileges, Medicine/Politics, Conferences, and Clippings. The small series of Personal records includes biographical information, correspondence, Rhodes Scholars Association materials, photographs, personal notes and momentos. The final series, Professional, contains records relating to professional associations/affiliations, conferences, issues in the psychological profession, departmental and university administration, teaching, and graduate students and theses.

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Sam Stewart fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1944-1981

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers of Classics professor Sam Stewart, including: University of Regina correspondence (1964-1981), exams, and committee records; files relating to local and regional Classics organizations; writings and speeches by Stewart; and personal material relating to liberal education and to basketball. The basketball ephemera, 1946-1975, contain information on Cougar Basketball Alumni.

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Charles Torville fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1906-1970

Fonds consists of personal papers of Charles Torville, including personal documents, correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, business and financial records, association files, and manuscripts relating to his activities as a businessman, mystic, songwriter, poet, and writer. Of particular interest are his letters from his sister Elsie Torville, in England (1906-08). His own writing is fractured and borders on incoherent.

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Allan B. VanCleave fonds

  • 78-11
  • Fonds
  • 1948-1976

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers created by Allan Bishop VanCleave, chemistry professor and Dean of Graduate Studies. Included are lecture notes and glass lantern slides on glaciation; records relating to a high school teachers' seminar in chemistry (1960) and the University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association (1948); and colour slides depicting the sod turning, construction, and completed buildings of the main campus, University of Regina. (1962-1976).

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Clifford Wiens fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1953-1990

Fonds consists of personal, professional, and business records generated by Saskatchewan architect Clifford Wiens, 1953-1990. Although arrangement and processing are not complete, the records are found in three series: Personal, General Office Files, and Project Files. The Personal series contains biographical information, financial records, health records, insurance files, publications by and about Clifford Wiens, speeches, presentations, interviews, and files relating to exhibitions and shows. Contained in the General Office Files series are the administrative records of Wiens' architectural firm relating to financial matters, personnel, equipment and supplies, competitions, conferences, travel, insurance, maintenance, property, public relations, communications, and correspondence with professional associations, government agencies, boards and committees, juries, and businesses. The financial records are extensive, dating from 1958-1982 and including financial statements, expense reports, corporate tax returns, appointment books, ledgers, auditors' reports, accounts, and routine bookkeeping documents. By far the most voluminous series is the Project Files which comprise approximately 32 meters of textual records and 5,200 drawings and plans relating to all phases of conception, design, tendering, and construction of Wien's work from 1958-1990. The projects range from small repairs, renovations, and additions, to heritage restorations, to large public buildings and commercial complexes, and include schools, churches, office buildings, stores, warehouses, picnic shelters and campsites, monuments, markers, and roadside signs, houses and apartments, hotels and motels. Proposals for projects that were never built have also been retained. Arranged chronologically by project number, the files contain feasibility studies, requirements, proposals, contracts, tenders, change orders and change memos, test reports, drawings and plans, presentation boards, revisions, approvals, meeting minutes and notes, specifications, quotations and cost estimates, progress reports and invoices, transmittal forms, furniture lists, schedules, inspection reports, shop drawings, photographs, models, colour schemes, recommendations and observations, interior designs, consultants' reports, field instructions, correspondence with clients and contractors, and other documents.

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Russell Yuristy fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1947-1993

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers generated by artist and sculptor Russ Yuristy, 1947-1993. Although the fonds has been only partially processed, in general the records fall into the following series: Education (1947-1956, 1959, 1965); Personal (1955-1964, 1969-1993); Writing (1960-1971, 1984-1993); Work (1961-1993); Photographs ([1952], 1974-1980); Biographical Information (1972-1984); and Newspaper Clippings (1970-1993). The Work series is subdivided into three sub-series documenting Yuristy's career as a Teacher (1967-1971, 1987-1990), Artist (1961-1993), and Sculptor (1972-1993). Included are correspondence with educational institutions, art galleries, playground operators, Canada Council and other granting agencies, exhibition catalogues, posters and invitations, newspaper clippings, drawings, notes, sketches, plans, and sales records. The fonds also contains personal correspondence with family and friends, legal documents and correspondence, articles, and stories written by Yuristy, and photos of Yuristy and his playground sculptures. 85-38, 90-38 and 93-44 contain personal papers, correspondence with galleries and Canada Council, various drawings and sketches by Yuristy and publications about Yuristy. 90-38 also contains 58 photographs falling into two series: Playground Sculptures; and Personal photographs from Goodeve. 90-38 also contains 2 playground blueprints.

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Bernie Zagorin fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1966-1975

Fonds consists of reports, minutes, and briefs relating to post secondary education in Canada. Included are: Canadian Association of Graduate Schools minutes, 1966-1972; Canadian Historical Association Graduate Studies report, 1975; Report of the Western Canadian Universities Task Force on Information Needs and Systems, 1973; and University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association Brief to the University Organization and Structure Commission, [1973].

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Gladys Arnold fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1985-1987

Fonds consists of the manuscript for journalist Gladys Arnold's book 'One Woman's War: A Canadian Reporter with the Free French', as well as correspondence relating to its publication, 1985-1987.

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Lloyd Barber fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1955-1992

Fonds consists of personal papers of Lloyd Ingram Barber who was President of the University of Regina from 1976-1990. Dating from 1955-1992, the records include general files (1959-1988), clippings, annual reports, class materials, and personal correspondence (1955-1992). Of particular interest are Dr. Barber's extensive Indian and Native files, 1965-1985. These contain conference materials, correspondence, daily journals, treaties, documents and publications, audio tapes, land claim court case files, and files relating to various Native organizations, all generated during his tenure as Indian Claims Commissioner, as well as personal files pertaining to Aboriginal affairs generally. Also noteworthy is the complete record of speeches delivered by Dr. Barber, 1961-1990, and files containing correspondence, reports, meeting materials, financial statements, and other records relating to the many directorships held by Dr. Barber, 1977-1992.

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Ron Bloore fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1925-1995, predominant 1960-1995

Fonds consists of drawings and sketches by Bloore; correspondence with public and private art galleries; personal correspondence, including artists Ted Godwin, Ray Kiyooka, Ernest Lindner, David Thaughberger, Claude Breeze, Ken Lochhead, Doug Morton, and Jan Wyers; catalogues, notices, posters, and other publicity materials relating to exhibitions of artworks by Bloore and other artists; articles by and about Bloore; organization, committee, and general subject files relating to Bloore's professional and charitable activities; newspaper clippings;. lecture notes, correspondence, and other records relating to his teaching career, chiefly at York University; personal financial, health, and legal records, including extensive documentation and photographs relating to Bloore's role as executor of the Theodore Allen Heinrich estate; and photographs, negatives, and slides depicting works of art by Bloore and other artists, family, friends, gallery openings, and Bloore's travels in North and Central America, Europe, and Africa; and sound recordings pertaining to the "Regina Five" and Innuit art.

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University of Regina Dept of Visual Arts fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1951-1979

Fonds consist of administrative papers (89-5 and 90-56), student records (89-5) and papers relating to the Emma Lake Artists' Workshops (89-5 and 90-56). 89-5 includes administrative papers from the Dept of Drama. 89-5 contains 31 photographs: b & w; 25 x 21 cm and smaller. 90-56 contains 4 photographs: b & w; 25 x 21 cm and smaller.

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Rex Deverell fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1956-1989

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers documenting the career of playwright and pastor Rex Deverell, 1956-1989. The records are arranged in the following series: Personal; Financial Records; General Correspondence; Globe Theatre; Pastoral Career/Religious Interests; Plays by Rex Deverell; Plays by Others; Professional Activities and Interests; Professional Associations; Publications; Writings by Rex Deverell; Writings by Others; and Tapes. The bulk of the fonds consists of background material, correspondence, notes, reviews, scripts, drafts, musical scores, songs, programs, audio tapes, photographs, printed copies, and other records relating to the writing and production of Deverell's many stage plays and TV/film plays, as well as his articles, early writings, poetry, radio commentaries, and short stories. Also of interest are the General Correspondence series which includes correspondence with several writers and theatre companies; the Globe Theatre files; the Pastoral Career/Religious Interests series which contains general files, sermons and notes, and other records relating to Deverell's pastoral life; and the Professional Activities and Interests and Professional Associations series which include records pertaining to the many conferences, workshops, and organizations with which he was involved. Small quantities of personal and family correspondence and photos are also present.

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David Givner fonds

  • Fonds
  • [ca.1952]-1993

Fonds consists of the personal papers of Philosophy Professor, Dr. David A. Givner, 1965-1993. Included are research notes and papers, committee files, department minutes, examinations, syllabi, lecture notes, administrative files, as well as notes pertaining to his Ph.D. studies at Columbia, ca. 1952-1957.

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Joseph Duffy fonds

  • Fonds
  • [195-?]-[198-?]

Fonds consists of the personal papers of educator Joseph Duffy, and has been arranged to reflect the diversity of the creator's interests. His concerns for the use (and misuse) of the English language, as well as for educational theory, are manifest in the EDUCATIONAL/INSTRUCTIONAL THEORY section. Also included in the section, and in the PUBLICATIONS section, are files relating to his work on the Department of Education's Division IV English Curriculum Committee. Joseph Duffy's active participation in professional organizations concerned about the state of the English Teaching profession is evident in the PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS category. Various PUBLICATIONS, and files relating to SECONDARY EDUCATION at Marian High School, have received their own sections. UNIVERSITY OF REGINA records have been subdivided as follows: Faculty of Education (includes the Task Force on Secondary Teacher Education); Lecture Notes - Education Courses; Joseph Duffy as Student; Students; and University of Regina - General. Perhaps the most interesting sub-category is the Lecture Notes, from which the researcher can catch glimpses of the style and technique that made Joseph Duffy a popular professor. The Joseph Duffy fonds provides insight into a man committed to excellence in his profession, driven by a quest for knowledge, and dedicated to transmitting his message in a humorous and thoughtful way.

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David Gilhooly fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1969-1995

Fonds consists of printed material relating to the artistic career of David Gilhooly, 1969-1995. The records are arranged in four series: Biographical Information; Newspaper Clippings, Gilhooly and Art, Exhibitions; Catalogues, Exhibition Invitations featuring David Gilhooly; and Publications featuring David Gilhooly.

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