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Creelman, Griffin, Fillmore, Tyvan, Prairie Points Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 147
  • Fonds
  • 1903–2021

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by several associated churches and their varying governing pastoral charges: Creelman, Griffin, Creelman-Griffin, Fillmore, Tyvan, Tyvan-Osage, Prairie Points, as well as predecessors and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and youth groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, councils, sessions, stewards, congregational, trustee meetings; meetings of local Ladies Aid Societies, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Women’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; records from Sunday Schools, study groups, Young Peoples’ Society, and C.G.I.T.; correspondence and property files; financial records and annual reports; church histories and anniversary materials; historic rolls and communion rolls; Home Mission Record Books and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Creelman, Sequin, Prairie Lea, Huntoon, Innis, White Rock, Mona, Griffin, Crieff, Froude, Huronville, Fillmore, Osage, Corning, Tyvan, Latham, Storthoaks, Talmage and related locations.

Prairie Points Pastoral Charge

Cupar, Southey, Earl Grey Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 152
  • Fonds
  • 1905–1990

Fonds consists of textual materials generated by Cupar – Southey – Earl Grey Pastoral Charge, Cupar Pastoral Charge, Earl Grey Pastoral Charge, Longlaketon Pastoral Charge and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, sessions and stewards’ meetings; meetings of local Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; membership and financial records; and registers documenting baptisms, marriages and burials in the area(s). Cupar, Dysart, Zala, Muscowpetung Reserve, Earl Grey, Southey, Craven, Silton, Bryn Mawr and Hazelwood are among the congregations and communities identified in this fonds.

Cupar - Southey - Earl Grey Pastoral Charge

Cypress Hills Presbytery fonds

  • FD 06
  • Fonds
  • 1959–2000

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Cypress Hills Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes; correspondence; an accounts book; and statistics.

United Church of Canada Cypress Hills Presbytery

Douglas M. Miller fonds

  • PR 28
  • Fonds
  • 1959–1970

The fonds consists of records created by Rev. Douglas M. Miller, during his time as an ordained minister in Saskatchewan. Contents are primarily a historic roll (1960-1970), and records of baptisms (1959-1969), marriages (1959-1969), and burials (1959-1970), from Herschel, Stranraer and various other locations.

Miller, Douglas Maxwell

D.S. Dix fonds

  • PR 11
  • Fonds
  • 1913–1954

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. David Strathy Dix, during his time as an ordained minister. Contents include a notebook recording baptisms performed (1913-1954).

Dix, David Strathy

Duff Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 803
  • Fonds
  • 1932–2007, predominant 1960–2007

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Duff Pastoral Charge, its predecessors, constituent churches and associated communities – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, and stewards’ meetings (1932-2007); minutes of the local U.C.W. (1964-2007); a historic membership roll for Duff and Lorlie (1886-2007); and a register of baptisms, marriages and burials (1960-2007). Duff, Pheasant Forks, Lorlie, Abernethy, and Wanapew are among the communities identified in the register.

Duff Pastoral Charge

Duncan Archibald MacLean fonds

  • PR 18
  • Fonds
  • 1930–1954

The fonds consists of transcriptions of 19 volumes of diaries written by Rev. MacLean, dating from July 1, 1930, through September 14, 1954. Diary entries are generally brief accounts of daily activities, weather and related events, mostly in Saskatchewan (Wilcox, Raymore) and Manitoba (Arden, Deloraine, Winnipeg). Contents were transcribed by Margaret MacLean, from the original diaries.

Also included is an introduction to the transcribed diaries, by Margaret MacLean, and letters providing background to Rev. D.A. MacLean, his diaries, and the transcription project itself (1991-1992).

MacLean, Duncan Archibald

Dundurn-Hanley Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 185
  • Fonds
  • 1902–1984

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Dundurn, Hanley and Dundurn-Hanley Pastoral Charges and constituent churches, including Moose Woods (Whitecap) – their boards, committees and related bodies, and local women’s groups.

Contents include: minutes of boards, stewards, choirs, Ladies Aid Society and W.A. meetings; reports; treasurer’s records; and a Circuit Register containing the membership roll. Dundurn Methodist/United Church, Hanley, Coates, Moose Woods Reserve, and White Cap Reserve are among the congregations and communities identified. There is also a Home Mission Record Book from Moose Woods Reserve (White Cap), containing a communion roll and records of baptisms, marriages and burials.

Dundurn-Hanley Pastoral Charge

Edmund H. Oliver fonds

  • PR 04
  • Fonds
  • 1911–1935

The fonds consists of records by and relating to E.H. Oliver, his travels in Saskatchewan and his teaching at St. Andrew’s College, his experiences in the First World War and involvement with educational programs for the soldiers (through the University of Vimy Ridge and Khaki University), his postwar work as Principal of St. Andrew’s College and later Moderator of the United Church, and his research and publications.

Contents include: correspondence (1911-1916); diary of trips to the Doukhobor area around Veregin (1915), the Cote Reserve, and to the Ruthenians of Kamsack and Canora; military publications and wartime memorabilia; materials related to the University of Vimy Ridge (1917-1918) and Khaki University (1917-1919); Oliver’s postwar correspondence (1920-1935), as he resumed his duties as Principal of St. Andrew’s College; and various historical and research publications and manuscripts, on topics such as Church Union, education, Saskatchewan history and settlement. There is also a collection of material pertaining to the drought situation on the prairies and the United Church response (1930-1932), at which time Oliver was serving as Moderator.

The collection also includes letters and tributes to E.H. Oliver, from after his death (1935-1936).

Oliver, Edmund Henry

Elrose Presbytery fonds

  • FD 07
  • Fonds
  • 1926–1949

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes (1926-1949); a treasurer’s book; and a “Report of the Historical Committee of the Elrose Presbytery” (Feb. 9, 1932), which includes a history of the presbytery and its pastoral charges.

United Church of Canada Elrose Presbytery

Estevan Presbytery fonds

  • FD 08
  • Fonds
  • 1906–1925

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Alameda, Estevan and Arcola-Estevan Presbyteries, their secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada and by the Presbyterian Church in Canada, prior to 1925.

Contents include minutes (1906-1951) and Statistical Records of Home Missions (1912-1935). Minute books document meetings of pre-union Alameda Presbytery, as well as United Church successor, Estevan Presbytery.

Presbyterian Church in Canada Alameda Presbytery

File Hills Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 220
  • Fonds
  • 1921–1978

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by File Hills Pastoral Charge, its predecessors, constituent churches and communities – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of board and congregation meetings; minutes of local Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Women’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; correspondence; newsletters; membership rolls; financial records; and baptism, marriage and burial records. Wanakepew, Pheasant Creek and File Hills Colony Mission are among the congregations and communities identified.

File Hills Pastoral Charge

Fiske, Herschel, Anglia, Kingsland Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 224
  • Fonds
  • 1907–1989

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by several associated churches and their varying governing pastoral charges: Fiske Pastoral Charge, Anglia Pastoral Charge, Herschel Pastoral Charge, Kingsland Pastoral Charge, and Stanraer Pastoral Charge, as well as predecessors, successors, and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, and local women’s units.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, stewards, session, congregational and committee meetings; minutes and other records from local Woman’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; Sunday School records; Communion Rolls and related membership records; some financial records and correspondence relating to property; Home Mission Record Books and church registers documenting baptisms, marriages and burials in Fiske, Spring Lake, Hill View, McGee, Anglia, Herschel, Kingsland, Stanraer [Stanrauer], Oliver, and nearby area(s).

Herschel Pastoral Charge

Foam Lake – Leslie Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 228
  • Fonds
  • 1904–2011

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Foam Lake – Leslie Pastoral Charge and predecessors, including Foam Lake Pastoral Charge and Leslie Pastoral Charge, as well as their constituent congregations – church boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of official boards, Stewards, Session, congregational, and committee meetings; records of local Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Associations (W.A.), and United Church Women (UC.W.) groups; some financial records and annual reports; communion and historic rolls; and registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials held at Foam Lake, Leslie, Kelvin Grove, Mt. Hecla, Tuffnell, Bertdale, Elfros, and related locations.

Foam Lake Pastoral Charge

Fort Qu'Appelle Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 233
  • Fonds
  • 1881–1984

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Fort Qu'Appelle Pastoral Charge and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of Official Board, Ladies Aid Society and U.C.W. meetings; membership rolls; baptism, marriage and burial registers. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian/United Church (Fort Qu'Appelle), Balcarres, Indian Head, Pheasant Plains, Wide Awake, and Lipton are among the congregations and communities identified.

Fort Qu'Appelle Pastoral Charge

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