- MJ-005
- Fonds
- 1920
This fonds contains one series of a daily journal that J. H. Brubaker kept in 1920. Notes were made on the weather, loans, payments due, and day to day tasks.
Brubaker, J.H.
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This fonds contains one series of a daily journal that J. H. Brubaker kept in 1920. Notes were made on the weather, loans, payments due, and day to day tasks.
Brubaker, J.H.
This fonds contains two journals and a scrapbook kept by John Walker from 1925 to 1967. They all portray Mr. Walker's enjoyment of bird watching as well as his involvement in the Saskatchewan Natural History Society. Also included are newsletters from the Saskatchewan Natural History Society and invitations from the Government of Saskatchewan to the Annual Dinner of the American Ornithologists' Union.
Walker, John, 1917-1972
This fond consists of various photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, advertising and histories relating to the Joyner family and Joyner’s Department Store in Moose Jaw. It does not include business records of the store other than some advertising materials.
Joyner Family
Julius Heinrich Fortmann fonds
This fonds contains two series: Farm Documents and Memorabilia. The farm documents relate to material required to operate their farm, such as insurance policies, mortgages and Canadian Wheat Board forms and permits. Memorabilia include school, marriage, baptism, confirmation and lodge certificates given to various family members. The majority of certificates were presented to Julius Fortmann.
Fortmann, Julius Heinrich
This collection reflects the historical research conducted by Ken Bradley in preparation for his book entitled Out of bounds: a century of golf in Moose Jaw. The research includes print outs and photocopies of newspaper articles, primarily from the Moose Jaw Time Herald, about golf in Moose Jaw from 1900-2008. It also includes summaries written by Bradley of golf happenings in the area.
Bradley, Ken
King Edward School scrapbook collection
This collection contains one oversize scrapbook mailed to King Edward School in 1951. The scrapbook was sent from St. Edmund’s School, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Nottingham, Wales. The scrapbook was sent in response to King Edward School sending a scrapbook to St. Edmund’s School. The scrapbook includes pictures, drawings and information about the town and school.
King Edward School (Moose Jaw)
This fonds contains two issues of the King George School publication “The Meteor.”
King George School
Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw fonds
This fonds contains the activities of the Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw during its existence. The fonds is divided into 15 series: reports, minutes, membership, constitution and by-laws, administration, correspondence, distributables, activities and events, finances, ephemera, scrapbooks and news clippings, certificates, awards, and plaques, photographs, sound recordings, and artifacts.
Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw
Knox United Church (Grayburn) fonds
The fonds consists of records of the congregation and the managerial committee including minutes, annual reports, scrapbooks and cradle rolls.
Knox United Church (Grayburn)
This fonds consists of seven scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, cards, letters, memorabilia and photographs of many topics including family, antiques, the auction business, and British royalty compiled by Laurie Drackett and his second wife Hazel Drackett. There are two posters advertising auction sales and one listing an implement dealers competition, as well as a sheet of blank letterhead and an envelope.
Drackett, Laurie
This fonds contains records created and acquired by Leith Knight. These are divided into the series drafts, research, newspaper articles, calendars, correspondences, family letters, bird watching, obituaries, other activities, photographs, and artifacts.
Knight, Leith
Local History Ephemera collection.
This fonds contains ephemera of the local history of Moose Jaw and area.
This fonds consists of a journal , a photo album, a post card album and an autograph album of the Logan Family of Central Butte, predominantly Pearl Logan, kept in the late 1800's to the 1920's. Some photos are tin types, others are hand coloured. Several photos have the photographer’s identification on the back. They are from Ottawa and Winnipeg and the photos would have been taken in the late 1800's. Only one photograph is dated and identified. There is also a Bible that was presented to the Logan Family in 1909 from the Sunday School and Church in Manitou, Manitoba as a farewell gift.
Logan Family
This fonds contains postcards addressed mainly to Luther Roberts, including from his brother Harold Roberts.
Roberts, Luther
Mary Barber fonds contains records concerning the writing of the community history book "Parkbeg Reflections". It consists of the manuscript and typescript drafts of the family histories section of Parkbeg Reflections. There are over 350 family history drafts included. Mary Barber organized these drafts using separate envelopes for each family and arranged them alphabetically by surname. These envelopes also include information regarding the author, the typist and the proofreader of the drafts.
Barber, Mary