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132 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Emmet Heiter collection

  • MJ-235
  • Collection
  • 1909-2014

This collection contains photocopied records of and about Emmet Heiter that were prepared and photocopied by Bill and Dee Dee McCreary. These have been organized into four series: correspondence, service papers, research, and photographs.

Bill and Dee Dee McCreary

Farewell School District No. 273 fonds

  • MJ-058
  • Fonds
  • 1893 1920

This fonds consists of a ratepayers assessment roll for the years 1904-1912, financial records consisting of receipts, cheques 1895-1920 and a bank book for the years 1908-1916, and the secretary-treasurer's files consisting of correspondence, reports, contracts, and financial papers, from the years 1893-1917.

Farewell School District No. 273

Fred Wilkes fonds

  • MJ-132
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1963]

This fonds contains one partial draft and one complete draft of 'Tuxford of the Plains: Letters of George Stuart Tuxford (1888-1918)'. Note that one draft has the dates as 1888-1918, where the other has the dates as 1888-1913. Both drafts are typescripts and are heavily annotated with pen and pencil. This material is based on letters written by Tuxford with additional research conducted by Wilkes.

Wilkes, Fred

Garth Smith Scrapbook Collection

  • MJ-008
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1955]

This collection consists of one series containing a scrapbook kept by Garth Smith but no certain date is established, except that the newspaper clippings kept may have been from around the time of the Province's Golden Jubilee in 1955.
The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings concerning the history of Moose Jaw and the Province from the late 1800's to 1955.

Smith, Garth

George Wild fonds

  • MJ-150
  • Fonds
  • 1948, 1972

This fonds contains material about the All Saints Church in Middlesbrough, England. It includes histories of the church as well as Father Burn, a newspaper clipping about the church, and photographs of the church. It appears as though this material was mailed to Wild as the material also contains an envelope addressed to Mr. G. Wild from Middlesbrough, England.

Wild, George

Green Family fonds

  • MJ-141
  • Fonds
  • 1919-1939

This fonds contains material about the Green Family. It includes a program from the Moose Jaw School District No. 1 Semi-Centennial, where on page 11 John R. Green wrote about his memories of the school, a Margaret Eaton School Calendar, where Eva Green is listed as a student in 1929, and an RNS Program. It also includes Zion United Church booklets that lists Frances and Eva Green’s names, a booklet for the Fran Pieran Club, a G.P. Plaxton Real Estate booklet, a binder belonging to Eva Green that contains newspaper clippings booklets on local council, business and professional women, and other things of interest, and three Central Collegiate school yearbooks belonging to Eva and Frances Green.

Green Family

Harold Davies fonds

  • MJ-027
  • Fonds
  • 1959-1966

This fonds consists of the original "Then and Now" columns written by Harold Davies during the 1950's and 1960's for the Moose Jaw Times Herald newspaper. The articles are dated and arranged in subject categories. On the inside front cover is pasted a newspaper article which is a biography of Harold Davies.

Davies, Harold

Harold John Elliott fonds

  • MJ-123
  • Fonds
  • 1927-1992

This fonds is material pertaining to Harold John “Jack” Elliott. It includes material from his memorial service, his military and police service, and items from his childhood. There are three series in this fonds: Memorial Service, Military and Police Service, and Memorabilia.

Elliott, Harold John

Hazen Argue fonds

  • MJ-154
  • Fonds
  • 1940

This fonds contains an economics assignment completed by Hazen Robert Argue. The assignment is for Economics VI and was due March 26, 1940. It is signed Hazen R. Argue.

Argue, Hazen

Heritage Moose Jaw fonds

  • MJ-188
  • Fonds
  • 1978-2000

This fonds reflects the activity of Heritage Moose Jaw. It includes one scrapbook of heritage buildings in Moose Jaw and material about the Moose Jaw Cemetery. The organization received a grant to help restore some of the tombstones in the cemetery and they collected information about the individuals buried there.

Moose Jaw Heritage

Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire fonds

  • MJ-043
  • Fonds
  • 1901-1976

This fonds consists of three series; business records of the minutes of meetings 1901 to 1906 and membership roster 1901 to 1905 of the Duchess of York Chapter, historical records in three scrapbooks of newspaper clippings (most undated) and photographs, primarily from the Lawrence of Arabia Chapter., I.O.D.E. publications and miscellaneous papers consisting of letterhead, application forms, certificates, pamphlets and receipts.

Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire

Izaak Walton Club fonds

  • MJ-024
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1963

The fonds contains two series containing official club business and the Club's efforts in conserving and managing resources and wildlife.

Izaak Walton Club

James Ernest Pascoe fonds

  • MJ-017
  • Fonds
  • 1920-1972

This fonds consists of several series dealing with the activities of J. E. Pascoe during his time as Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Golden Jubilee Committee, the Mayor of Moose Jaw and as a private citizen. See General Note.

Pascoe, James Ernest

Jerry Kaiser fonds

  • MJ-255
  • Fonds
  • [189-?] - 2013

This fonds contains records created and accumulated by Jerry Kaiser. These are divided into series Jerry Kaiser, Erlin Kaiser, Tysdal Family, and Photograph Albums.

Kaiser, Jerry

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