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Duncan Archibald MacLean fonds

  • PR 18
  • Fonds
  • 1930–1954

The fonds consists of transcriptions of 19 volumes of diaries written by Rev. MacLean, dating from July 1, 1930, through September 14, 1954. Diary entries are generally brief accounts of daily activities, weather and related events, mostly in Saskatchewan (Wilcox, Raymore) and Manitoba (Arden, Deloraine, Winnipeg). Contents were transcribed by Margaret MacLean, from the original diaries.

Also included is an introduction to the transcribed diaries, by Margaret MacLean, and letters providing background to Rev. D.A. MacLean, his diaries, and the transcription project itself (1991-1992).

MacLean, Duncan Archibald

Edmund H. Oliver fonds

  • PR 04
  • Fonds
  • 1911–1935

The fonds consists of records by and relating to E.H. Oliver, his travels in Saskatchewan and his teaching at St. Andrew’s College, his experiences in the First World War and involvement with educational programs for the soldiers (through the University of Vimy Ridge and Khaki University), his postwar work as Principal of St. Andrew’s College and later Moderator of the United Church, and his research and publications.

Contents include: correspondence (1911-1916); diary of trips to the Doukhobor area around Veregin (1915), the Cote Reserve, and to the Ruthenians of Kamsack and Canora; military publications and wartime memorabilia; materials related to the University of Vimy Ridge (1917-1918) and Khaki University (1917-1919); Oliver’s postwar correspondence (1920-1935), as he resumed his duties as Principal of St. Andrew’s College; and various historical and research publications and manuscripts, on topics such as Church Union, education, Saskatchewan history and settlement. There is also a collection of material pertaining to the drought situation on the prairies and the United Church response (1930-1932), at which time Oliver was serving as Moderator.

The collection also includes letters and tributes to E.H. Oliver, from after his death (1935-1936).

Oliver, Edmund Henry

Elrose Presbytery fonds

  • FD 07
  • Fonds
  • 1926–1949

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes (1926-1949); a treasurer’s book; and a “Report of the Historical Committee of the Elrose Presbytery” (Feb. 9, 1932), which includes a history of the presbytery and its pastoral charges.

United Church of Canada Elrose Presbytery

Estevan Presbytery fonds

  • FD 08
  • Fonds
  • 1906–1925

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Alameda, Estevan and Arcola-Estevan Presbyteries, their secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada and by the Presbyterian Church in Canada, prior to 1925.

Contents include minutes (1906-1951) and Statistical Records of Home Missions (1912-1935). Minute books document meetings of pre-union Alameda Presbytery, as well as United Church successor, Estevan Presbytery.

Presbyterian Church in Canada Alameda Presbytery

Frank Hoffman fonds

  • PR 01
  • Fonds
  • 1920–1945

The fonds primarily consists of papers by and relating to Rev. Hoffman and his and others work among Hungarian immigrants.

Contents include: correspondence and reports about missions in Alberta and Northern Saskatchewan; a list of Hungarian immigrants to Canada (some photos included); Az Otthon 1922-1925 (in Hungarian); and related materials, newspaper clippings, and documents concerning mission work and fieldwork Hoffman and others undertook in Saskatchewan. Among the materials is a biographical sketch of the Rev. Emerick Csendes [Czendes], written by Rev. Hoffman, and a copy of “Tales of Hoffman” by R.W. Hardy.

Hoffman, Frank

Frederick A. Clare fonds

  • PR 12
  • Fonds
  • 1933–1946

The fonds consists of 4 small notebooks created and used by Rev. Frederick A. Clare, during his time as an ordained minister: a diary (1937); a notebook (1940-1942); pocket record book (1933-1946), with information about church officers, communion services, members, baptisms, marriages, and burials for various Saskatchewan locations; and a notebook recording translations of 421 English words into Cree and/or Salteaux, as well as financial accounts information and additional notes.

Clare, Frederick Alexander

General Council of Local Union Churches fonds

  • FA 06
  • Fonds
  • ca.1915–1924

The fonds consists of textual materials created by and relating to the General Council of Local Union Churches, its Policy Committee and related individuals and bodies.

Contents include: minutes of the Policy Committee (ca.1920), a report to the General Council of Local Union Churches of Western Canada (1921), and resolutions passed by the General Council (1922); publications relating to the General Council (1921-1924); correspondence regarding Union Churches and Cooperative Churches (1924); and an address, The Evolution of Organic Church Union in Canada, given by the Chairman at a General Council Meeting, on April 5, 1915.

There is also a group of additional materials on the topic of Local Unions, created/collected by the Rev. W.H. Hughes. This contains some originals and some copies of archival materials, along with other documents assembled by Hughes.

General Council of Local Union Churches of Western Canada

G.G. Heffelfinger fonds

  • PR 06
  • Fonds
  • ca.1925

The fonds consists of Rev. Heffelfinger’s sermon “Sympathy”, written for March 1st, 1924, with biblical citations for scripture readings and first lines of praise selections (hymns).

Heffelfinger, Galen Gordon

Grace and Homer Lane fonds

  • PR 02
  • Fonds
  • 1940–1971

The fonds consists of papers by and relating to Grace and (Rev.) Homer Lane and their work with the United Church. Contents include: general correspondence (1956-1957, 1961-1971); Committee on Rural Evangelism documents (1960); a copy of “Vox” (published by United College, Winnipeg) from 1940; and correspondence of Grace Lane, pertaining to the publication “Fifty Years in Union” (1973-1974).

Lane, Grace H. (Grover)

H.A. McManus fonds

  • PR 34
  • Fonds
  • 1929–1946

The fonds consists of records created by Rev. H.A. McManus, during his time as an ordained minister in Saskatchewan. Contents are primarily a minister's register, with records of sermons, communions, confirmations, marriages, baptisms and burials from Caron, Aberdeen, Bridge Creek, Crayburn, Ile-a-la-Crosse, Loon River, Makwa, Meadow Lake, Pegasus, Regina (Knox), and Zealandia.

McManus, Herbert A.

Harold E. Coveney fonds

  • PR 23
  • Fonds
  • 1911–1960

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. Coveney, in his time as an ordained minister in Saskatchewan. Contents include a record of baptisms (1911-1960), marriages (1911-1960), and burials (1929-1960).

Coveney, Harold E.

Harris family fonds

  • PR 07
  • Fonds
  • ca.1904–1936

The fonds consists of letters and photographs (some with explanatory notes) sent to members of the Harris family – including Mrs. Oliver Harris, Eva and Lucy Harris – by members of the Methodist clergy who had served at North Portal, Saskatchewan.

Contents include letters from and/or relating to: Jesse Arnup, 1907-1936; Mrs. Charles Endicott, 1904-1910; Herbert Harris,1911-1912; Herbert Harrison, 1913-1914; Ethan Riley Hine, 1907; Fred Martin, 1910; F.G. Norris, 1919; and Rev. Thomas Oliver, 1916-1923. Photographic portraits accompany the Arnup, Harrison, Hine, and Martin documents.

Herbert Wesley Toombs fonds

  • PR 09
  • Fonds
  • ca.1875–1934

The fonds consists of papers, publications and other collected items by and relating to the Rev. Toombs and his work, as a United Church minister.

Contents include: sermons (ca.1905-1934); clippings, letters and copies of articles relating to famous paintings (1922); various undated lectures; collected writings and documents relating to Church Union; a copy of his 1917 publication on Mormonism and related correspondence (ca.1914-1920); copies of church-related publications; and a “Pastor’s Pocket Record” notebook (ca.1920-1926), listing salary, sermons, members, baptisms, marriages and funerals from Drinkwater, Briercrest, Keeler and Marquis. There are also letters regarding Rev. Toombs’ career and his various papers.

Toombs, Herbert Wesley

Hugh R. MacDonald fonds

  • PR 17
  • Fonds
  • ca.1966–1986

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. MacDonald, from his time as an ordained minister, in Saskatchewan. Contents include: sermons (1966-1967); photocopied newspaper obituaries (1986); and a copy of “Prayers of Edmund Oliver” (no date).

MacDonald, Hugh Robert

Ines Claggett collection

  • IC
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1930] - [195-]

The collection contains two scanned copies of black and white photographs owned by Ines Claggett, as well as five original black and white photographs. All photographs were originally taken between [ca. 1930] and [195-]. The photographs depict group portraits of the "Southside Circle" women's group of the Melfort United Church, young students and teachers and the Salvation Army Building, a curling team, and the former Melfort golf club house - which was originally run by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harms.

Claggett, Ines (née Harms)

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