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1 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Book Collection

  • BOC
  • Colección
  • 1880 - 2022

Books related to Indian Head and district - either about this area or by or about people who lived in the area.

Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion fonds

  • LAF
  • Fondo
  • 1919 - 2002

Minutes, financial and membership records, write-ups and articles about the Royal Canadian Legion's Ladies Auxiliary, which was formed in 1919 and disbanded in 2002, when its members joined the Royal Canadian legion as full members.

Sin título

Gordon Goddard fonds

  • GGF
  • Fondo
  • 1900 - 2021

Textual material excerpted from Gordon Bannerman and Marg Hryniuk, plus historic postcards, including the Imperial Hotel.

Sin título

Resultados 16 a 18 de 18