- 89-70
- Fonds
- [193-]-1987
Fonds consists of personal and professional papers created by educator, health administrator, and social activist, Stan Rands, [193_]-1987. Although processing is not complete, the papers are arranged in three broad series: Interests/Involvements/Issues; Personal; and Professional. The bulk of the material is found in the first series which is subdivided by topic into the following sub-series: Aging; Children's Issues; China; Civil Liberties; Clippings - Miscellaneous; Community Issues; Co-operatives and Credit Unions; Education; Health; Labour; Miscellaneous Issues/Involvements; Natives; NDP/CCF; Peace/Disarmament; Pollution; Publications/Writing/Periodicals; Simon Fraser University; Women's Issues; and Youth. Included are correspondence, reports, clippings, addresses, articles, conference papers, bylaws and legislation, briefs, association files, research materials, questionnaires, minutes and meeting files, financial documents, historical materials, notes, pamphlets, and other records relating to the many topics and organizations Rands was involved with. Of particular note is the approximately 2.58 meters of material dealing with health issues and organizations, especially the community clinic movement in Saskatchewan. Records in the Health sub-series have been arranged in the following categories: Community Health Services Association Board of Directors; Community Health Services Association - General; Community Clinic History; Community Health Cooperative Federation; Health Care and Medical Issues; Saskatchewan Health and Medical Issues; Legal/Ethical Issues in Medicine; Local Community Clinics and Associations; Medicare; Mental Health; and Related Materials pertaining to the Group Health Association of America, the Hall Commission on Health Services; Hospital Privileges, Medicine/Politics, Conferences, and Clippings. The small series of Personal records includes biographical information, correspondence, Rhodes Scholars Association materials, photographs, personal notes and momentos. The final series, Professional, contains records relating to professional associations/affiliations, conferences, issues in the psychological profession, departmental and university administration, teaching, and graduate students and theses.
Rands, Stan, 1908-1985