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Robert Anderson fonds

  • SCM-RG-0066
  • Fondo
  • 1930s

The fonds, related to Robert Anderson, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-Photocopy of a handwritten manuscript by Robert Anderson called “Discovering Spring Creek” about a region approximately 8 miles north of Abbey, SK; the chapters in the manuscript at entitled: Discovering Spring Creek; The South Saskatchewan River: Joy, Risks & Tragedy; The Christmas of ‘35; Chicken Every Sunday; Uncle Clarence’s Choppers; Turkeys; The West is Dead, My Friends; Prairie Harvest (poem); Night Trains Through Gladstone; Bennett Buggies and Anderson Carts; The Depression Syndrome; The War Years; To Light A Fire; 70 and Holding (poem) and City Livin’; On Reaching 75 (poem)

-Copies of a series of articles from the magazine ‘Western People’ called ‘Prairie Boys’ by Robert Anderson about growing up in southwest Saskatchewan, his mother’s cookbook, the Battleford Trail

-Photocopies of newspaper articles on the Saskatchewan Landing bridge

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Saint George's Society fonds

  • SCM-RG-0068
  • Fondo
  • 1980 - 2000

The fonds, related to the Saint George's Society, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

1 box of photo albums
-Photo Album (scrapbook) (green in colour with Union Jack on front cover) – various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (101 in total), letters and telegrams; 1980-1983.
-Photo Album (red/brown in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (174 in total), letters and telegrams; 1984-1987.
-Photo Album (red in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (147 in total), letters and telegrams; 1987-1990.
-Photo Album (white in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (158 in total; negatives and extra prints in separate envelopes), letters and telegrams; 1990-1994.
-Photo Album (white in colour) - various newspaper clippings, invitations, photographs (143 in total; negatives and extra prints in separate envelopes), letters and telegrams; 1994-1999.

1 box of textual records
-Folder # 1 – Meeting Minutes; 1980.
-Folder # 2 – Meeting Minutes; 1981.
-Folder # 3 – Meeting Minutes; 1982.
-Folder # 4 – Meeting Minutes; 1983.
-Folder # 5 – Meeting Minutes; 1984.
-Folder # 6 – Financial Records (statements, Treasurer’s Reports, receipts); 1980-1991.
-Folder # 7 – Miscellaneous records (correspondence, permits, receipts, reports, action plans, etc.); 1980-1992.
-Folder # 8 – Reports; 1980-1995.
-Folder # 9 – ‘Dickens Evening’; 1986.
-Folder # 10 – Membership; 1980-1981.
-Folder # 11 – Meeting Minutes; 1984-2000.
-Folder # 12 – Various records: Questionnaire (1988); Card and Letters of Thanks Received; Executive Meeting Minutes (1985-1986); Presidents and Executive Reports (1985-1986); St. George’s Society Newsletter (April, 1994); Membership Lists; Correspondence (1986); Miscellaneous; Various Reports (1986-1987); Constitution; Saskatchewan Multicultural Council Information (1986-1988).
-St. George’s Society: Correspondence, President; 1980-1983.
-Greetings (includes 40 loose colour photographs)

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Swift Current Homemakers' Club

  • SCM-RG-0083
  • Fondo
  • 1962-1963

Fonds consists of a scrapbook containing write-ups, postcards, cards, and newspaper clippings relating to people and events of the Swift Current Homemakers' Club for the 1962-63 year.

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Junior Fortnightly Club fonds

  • SCM-RG-0082
  • Fondo
  • [1916], predominant 1947-2015

Fonds consists of records relating to the Junior Fortnightly Club. Fonds contains the following four series: Junior Fortnightly Constitution, Minutes, Chronicles, and Scrapbooks. Material covers the constitution(s) of the Club, meeting minutes and yearly chronicles of the Club, and scrapbooks containing textual records and photographs of people and events in the club's history.

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Florence Noble fonds

  • SCM-RG-0040
  • Fondo
  • 1912 - 1985

The fonds, related to Florence Noble and the 8th Recce, were accumulated by the source over her lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1- July 26, 1982 Reunion (Tom Noble) Newspaper Clipping
.2 - Flo Noble’s tartan hostess sash
.3- 9 page 1st orders issues July 1941 (Holding unit Canadian Armored Corps) November 12, 1977
Moose Jaw Times
.4- Clipping of November 10, 1977 Moose Jaw Armories Reunion
(Together with .3 under same label)
.5a - 4 page report of Chuck's voyage overseas (June 21 – July 4, 1941)
.5b- 1 page, report of Chuck's voyage overseas (January 5, 1944)
.6 – 9 page 1944-1974 Canadian Remembrance Days booklet
.7 – Calgary photograph, No.5 , 1966 (25.5 cm x 20.5 cm)
.8 – Tom Noble photograph (19.5 cm x 24 cm)
.9 – Calgary reunion photograph, No.11 (28 cm x 17.5 cm)
.10 – Swift Current photograph,1960 or 1963 reunion (25.5 cm x 20.5 cm)
.11a – Newspaper clipping (Moose Jaw Times) of 8th Recce parade (Tom Noble and Emil
Zimmerman), 1982
.11b – Newspaper cartoon (Tom Noble) 1912
.12 – Tom Noble and Emil Zimmerman in 8th Recce Regiment parade, photograph (21.5 cm x 24 cm)
.13 – Notes by Major Gordon Good (8th Recce veteran) from World War II; November 1983 (22 pages)
.14 – Members in Calgary, photograph (9 cm x 9 cm)
.15-.19 – Marching Soldiers and armoured tanks, photographs (9 cm x 9 cm)
[In Devon Wente envelope]
.21 – 14th Canadian Hussars information paper
.22a – 8th Recce regiment 1st annual Reunion program, November12, 1960
.25 – Newspaper Clipping of Regina Leader Post (1980’s)

Ken Parton fonds

  • SCM-RG-0054
  • Fondo
  • 4 August 1994

The fonds, related to the 8th Recce, was acquired by the source during his lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-8th Recce souvenir plate, 1944-1994 (Lonvigny)

Noble Irwin fonds

  • SCM-RG-0063
  • Fondo
  • 1938 - 1995

The fonds, related to Noble Irwin and the 8th Recce, were accumulated by the source over his military service lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
1 - 8th Recce Jacket
2 – Ribbon bar (for right sleeve of jacket)
3 – Sleeve badges

  • 2 pants and belt
  • Jacket (in a green bag)
  • Hat (Black cap on left?)

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Richard Burke fonds

  • SCM-RG-0016
  • Fondo
  • 1927 - 1972

The fonds, related to the 16th/22nd Saskatchewan Horse and William W. Cooper, were accumulated by the source.

The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

A.2003.10 (William W. Cooper)

Folder #1:
address book of customers, ca. 1967;
shares of the WW Cooper store, issued to W.W. Cooper, 1927;
Cooper's Store News issues: March & April 1924; September & October 1924; Christmas 1924 (2 copies); January 1925; February 1925 (3 copies); March 1925; June 1925; July 1925; October 1925; January 1926; February 1926; Summer 1933; Christmas 1948 (3 copies);
Cooper's Anniversary News, June 1933 (6 copies);
"The North West Mounted Police - The Winning of the West" (5 pages)

Folder #2 (documents pertaining to W.W. Cooper's visit to Russia in 1931):
poster for a talk on Russia given by WW Cooper;
booklet, "Intimate Impressions of Russia Discussed in a Lecture by W.W. Cooper" (6 copies);
notes for a speech on Russia;
newspaper clippings, re: Russia, communism;
correspondence, re: First United Church's 60th Anniversary in 1972, along with ribbon, list of congregation members and photo #1: members of the First United Church congregation in the church, 1972;
City of Swift Current tax notice, 1935;
speech from Mrs. W.W. Cooper to the Women's Missionary Society of the Metropolitan Church, upon her birthday, 1923;
employee newsletter, "The Cooperator", November 1948;
letters from W.W. Cooper's grandsons (Alfred Cooper's sons) Bill and Peter, 1962;
correspondence with W.A. Bingham, re: oil burners, 1929

Folder #3:
Honorary Address to Mr. W.W. Cooper from the staff on the occasion of the store's 40th Birthday, June 4, 1943" (signed by all staff members)

Folder #4 (newspapers):
Cooper's Anniversary News, June 1933;
excerpt from The Sun, February 4,1953 (article on the purchase of the W.W. Cooper store by Pioneer Co-Op);
The Sun, October 27,1948 (article on the death of William Wesley Cooper)

Envelope #1:
essay by Phoebe Matthie, "The W.W. Cooper Memorial Scholarship Committee";
grades for Phoebe Matthie from the University of Saskatchewan, 1952;
photos #2 - #7, re: Phoebe Matthie's photographs from the University of Saskatchewan

Envelope #2:
personal correspondence addressed to Gordon Cooper, the son of W.W. Cooper, 1933 to 1962, including a marriage announcement for Gordon and Dorothy Wilkins, 1933;
postcards from their daughter Colleen in 1962;
various letters from friends and relatives;
photographs #8 - #10: unidentified individuals at an outdoor reception, perhaps a wedding; #11: two unidentified women sitting on a couch; #12 - #15: a family at Easter in 1983, Robert, Audrey (mother and father), Carissa Dawn and Christopher Robert (daughter and son) and an older women referred to as "myself"; #16: a family in Christmas of 1982, Robert, "myself", Donald and Gerald; #17 - #19: unidentified individuals; #20: W.W. (William Wesley) Cooper taken October 1923; Programs for the 5th annual and the 11th annual W.W. Cooper Co. banquet

Envelope #3:
handwritten document about trip to Hudson's Bay and Churchill, Manitoba, August 6 - 11 1947 (author unknown, likely W.W. Cooper, 10 pages);
"Canadian National Railways (Western Region) Passenger Traffic Department North of 54" (20 pages);
photos #21 - #64, photos and postcards from northern communities ( e.g. Flin Flon and Churchill, Manitoba), including people, sled dogs and seal hunting;
brochure for a CPR holiday that involves travel from Regina, Saskatchewan to Churchill, Manitoba and back to Regina, SK;
newsletter: "Eskimo" from Churchill, MB, June 1947, published by the Oblate Fathers of the Hudson Bay Vicariate

Volume #1: "Bylaws of Unity Chapter No. 10" Royal Arch Masons
Volume #2: "Constitution of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of Saskatchewan", 1929
Volume #3: "Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan"
Volume #4: "Constitution and By-Laws" for Swift Current Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows
Volume #5: "Swift Current Lodge No. 26 Bylaws", Masons
Volume #6: Financial statement, W.W. Cooper Store, "Report on Accounts For the year ended January 31, 1935"
Volume #7: Cooper Store News, 1919 - 1931
Volume #8: Cooper Store News, 1932 - 1952

A.2003.11 (16th/22nd Saskatchewan Horse)

  • Order papers for 7th Calvary Brigade, Dundurn;1938
  • Court Inquiry, Capt. Cooper
  • Order papers (camp daily orders), Dundurn; July 1939
  • Order papers (camp daily orders), Dundurn; July 1940
  • Administration instructions, Dundurn;1939
  • Tactical Exercises, Dundurn;1939
  • Standing orders, Dundurn;1939
  • Memo on judging efficiency
  • Photographs and correspondence

Chinook Regional Library, Swift Current Branch fonds

  • SCM-RG-0031
  • Fondo
  • 17 February 2000

The fonds, related to Alf Bye, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
1- “Do you remember…” book of poetry, Alf Bye
2- “Man is Alone Who Leads” book of poetry, Alf Bye
3- “The Century, Saskatchewan and I” book of poetry, Alf Bye

City of Swift Current fonds

  • SCM-RG-0001
  • Fondo
  • 1883-01-01 - ?

The fonds, related to the City of Swift Current, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum. Records includes operating records related to the workings of the municipality.

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William Lunan fonds

  • SCM-RG-0080
  • Fondo
  • 1913 - 1945

The fonds, related to William Lunan, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

The memoirs of Bill Lunan begin with his family’s move to the Cantuar district in 1913, his years as a farmer, farming conditions in the region until the 1940s, Cantuar businesses and individuals, some early Swift Current information, information on the life style of homesteaders in the Cantuar district in the early 1900s. Tom Milroy, Everett Hunter, Bert McPherson, Jack Hart, Joseph Regan and boys from the Cantuar region who did not return from World War I.

Hugh Henry fonds

  • SCM-RG-0009
  • Fondo
  • ? - 2002-04-08

The fonds, related to the Shortgrass Writers Guild, the Southwest Saskatchewan Writers Project, the Swift Current Film Society, and the Swift Current Social Justice Coordinating Committee were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

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Colleen Irwin fonds

  • SCM-RG-0032
  • Fondo
  • 1920 - 1962

The fonds, related to George Spence, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Volume 1 Appointments: green appointment book belonging to Ivy Spence, appointments for tea and luncheons, some inserts including one that reads "Susan's [Irwin] first work of art sent to Nanna Jan 28 1950 (3 yrs old)".

-Volume 2: booklet entitled Session 1943 House of Commons/Special Committee on Reconstruction and Re-establishment/Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, at which George Spence was a witness, 1943

-Volume 3: booklet entitled "Address on Reclamation and Conservation on the Prairies" to the Geographical Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, by The Honourable George Spence, Commissioner, International Joint Commission, 1954

-Volume 4: green scrapbook, including an envelope with newspaper clipping and correspondence of George and Ivy Spence; scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, re: George and Ivy Spence and their family, George Spence's career, Ivy Spence's social activities; place cards from dinner parties, brochure on the International Peace Gardens, photograph of a large group of men and one woman outside a building in Regina, probably the Saskatchewan Legislature

-Envelope 1, "International Joint Commission": "My Creed", 1931; copies of a newspaper article about George Spence, 1958

-Envelope 2, "Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario": an envelope containing cards, invitations, notes and correspondence for George and Ivy Spence, ca. 1947 - 1949; brochure on the Empire State Building Observatory, 1949; brochure for Lee Mansion Memorial in Virginia

-Envelope 3, "Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office": envelope addressed to Ivy Spence containing a certificate, re: a medal to be worn by Ivy Spence for the 1937 Coronation (medal not accompanying document), a letter sent to George Spence from his daughter Irene when she is at the University of Saskatchewan (mentions a date with Noble Irwin and war work, enlistment, etc.), a poem called "To A Sparrow" dedicated to the Spence's eldest daughter Irene by William Barnard; two copies of the program for the University of Saskatchewan's convocation ceremony, May 1948; program for commencement at Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital School of Nursing, 1945 (Irene Spence won medal for Highest Efficiency in Obstetrics); envelope containing an invitation to the commencement exercises for the Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital School of Nursing, 1945, and two invitations to the University of Saskatchewan's Convocation Ball, 1948; program for the Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Saskatchewan Branch Banquet and Dance at Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina celebrating the 1937 coronation of George VI; hand-drawn diagram of seating arrangements (?); program for the University of Saskatchewan's convocation ceremony, May 1945; invitation to an afternoon reception for graduates of the University of Saskatchewan, 1948; newspaper clipping, re: graduates of Regina Grey Nuns' Hospital School of Nursing, 1945

-Envelope 3, "Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office": invitations for George and Ivy Spence for tea, luncheon, supper; tourist brochures for Colonial Williamsburg, Fort George (Niagara-On-the-Lake), Niagara's Parks, The Old Mill (Toronto), the Thomas Jefferson Inn, Chesapeake Bay Ferries, Monticello (Virginia), Canadian Pacific Scenic Domes; programs for "Showplace" at Radio City Music Hall, ca, 1950s; Capital Airlines schedule, 1955; brochure for Niagara Falls Preservation Program; booklet, "On the Death of King George the Sixth", CBC, 1952; programs, banquet honoring CPR Construction Engineers, at Orkney, SK, 1925; birthday cards given to Mrs. George (Ivy) Spence; Clan map of Scotland from the Washington Post, 1954; newspaper clipping about the wedding of Enid Dixon and Jack Hammill; communion program from St. Paul's Memorial Church, Virginia, 1957; train schedule, Chicago-Milwaukee and St. Paul Pacific; booklet, Birthday Edition Journal; booklet, Local Council of Women of Regina, 1926

-Envelope 4, "Mr. Geo. Spence, M.P. Orkney, Sask.": envelope containing cards, invitations, programs, etc. for Mr. and Mrs. Spence, ca. 1920s, re: parliamentary affairs (Spence was an MP); other invitations, programs, correspondence, etc. received by George Spence in his position as MP for Maple Creek, ca. 1920s; booklet, 'The Interdependence of British Trade and British Immigration', a summary of two speeches made by George Spence, Minister of Public Works, 1936; an envelope of photographs (2 - 19, see below for list); correspondence; re: Order of the British Empire, received by George Spence, 1946; instructions for attending a "Drawing Room" the the Governor-General, February 19 1927; handout, House of Commons Debates: Official Report Speech of Mr. George Spence, member for Maple Creek on the Budget; postcard from Italy, to George Spence, from R.B.W.

-Envelope 5, "Queen's Visit to Canada June 26th, 1959 - Montreal, St. Lawrence Seaway": newspapers, The National Star, June 2,5 1959; The Montreal Gazette, June 26, 1959; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959, p. 19; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959, p. 17-32; The Montreal Gazette, June 26, 1959; The Montreal Star, June 25, 1959; The Montreal Gazette, June 26, 1959

-Envelope 6, "Dominion Department of Agriculture Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office": invitation to an International Joint Commission event, 1952; wedding announcement for Irene Spence and Captain Noble Irwin, July 7 1945; certificate, re: a medal to be worn by George Spence for the 1937 Coronation (medal not accompanying document)

-Envelope 7, article written for Regina Leader-Post Jan. 1960. By Geo. Spence on the Columbia River, B.C.: editorial page from the Leader-Post, January 15 and 16, 1960

-Envelope 8, "International Joint Commission": newspaper clippings, obituaries for Marie Reid (Huffman), Sarah Wilson Kerr (Sharman); weddings of Marie Huffman and J.A. Reid, Rea Spence and Oliver Pederson; Spence's career with PFRA and IJC; birth announcement for Janice Marie Call (Stanley and Annabelle), other birth announcements

-Envelope 9, "Western Producer/On George Spence" by Grant McEwan Jan. 1958: newspaper, Western Producer, June 16, 1948 (pp.15-16 and 25-26, 2 copies); Leader-Post, April 7, 1962 (1-2, 7-8)

-Envelope 10, "Stories Written By Cowhand Author George Spence and Lord Tweedsmuir's Visit to Val Marie": newspaper clippings, re: George Spence's career, 1952, 1956, articles by George Spence under the alias Cowhand, 1944, 1945, 1951, 1956, visit of Governor General Tweedsmuir to Val Marie, 1949; booklet, "Water for the Prairies", by George Spence, published by the Canadian Geographical Journal, June 1952

-Envelope 11: "clippings/ L.B. Thompson funeral/the Naughton wedding - Ottawa": newspaper clippings, re: wedding of Helen Claxton to Lt. Col. Edward Leslie in Ottawa Citizen, 1957; death of Mayme Evans (n.d.), Leonard (L.B.) Thompson, 1956

-Envelope 12: newspaper clippings, re: South Saskatchewan River Dam, Diefenbaker, George Spence's career, 1958

-Envelope 13, "Paper clippings about Geo. Spence and Clippings by Geo. Spence": newspaper clippings: editorials by George Spence, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1959; articles about George Spence's career, 1938 - 1948, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1959, articles about George Spence (not career related), receiving Order of the British Empire, honourary law degree, 1948; wedding announcement for Eleanor Hedstrom and Ovar Uggen; visit of the Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice to Swift Current, 1941; irrigation on the prairies, 1943, 1946; wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 1947; ticket to the University of Saskatchewan's Convocation, 1948; articles by George Spence, 1942; retirement of O. Freer from PFRA, n.d.

-Envelope #14: two photographs of George Spence (#20 and #21); invitation for George and Ivy Spence to go to Monticello with Anne and Roger McWhorter; other notes, cards, correspondence for George and Ivy Spence, ca. 1940s; newspaper clippings, re: Hetty Green, PFRA; invitations for George Spence from Lt. Gov. of Saskatchewan to attend the opening of the Legislative Assembly, receptions, other invitations, ca. 1940s; tourist brochures, re: Garrison Dam on the Missouri, Morden, SK; itinerary and map for a tour of the proposed route through the Souris River Basin, 1955; seating arrangements for a luncheon of the executive of the Regina Women's Liberal Club, 1935; cards commemorating deaths of Mary Rogers, 1924, and Eunice McKeen, 1943; invitations for Ivy Spence to visit other women's homes; invitation to attend the opening of parliament, and a skating party, 1926; George Spence's House of Commons traveling passes, CPR railway passes, 1925 - 1927, 1936; diagram of House of Commons seating; invitation to Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, 1927; letter re: Elbow dam, 1947; booklet, "Prevent Duck Depredations", by Floyd H. Davis

-Envelope #15, "Lethbridge Photograph - speaking at ? Jubilee": photo (#22 to #29, see below); letter to Ivy Spence from her brother Charlie, 1943; postcard from George to Ivy, while he was in New York, 1950 (never sent); McLean's Magazine article about George Spence, 1957; article on Remedial Works program at Niagara Falls, 1957; photo #30

-Envelope #16, "Staff Members at tea in Blue Lounge - Dec. 20 - 47": blank lined book, "Government of Canada No. 50", names of guests are written on the pages, between the pages are place cards and invitations, loose pieces of paper also containing lists of names


  1. large group of men and one woman, taken outside the Saskatchewan Legislature in Regina
  2. two women standing on the side of a truck, Louie (last name unknown) and Irene Spence (Irwin)
  3. the front yard of a house, surrounded by trees, presumably "The Bend" in Nanaimo, BC
  4. young child in a yard by a baby carriage unidentified, perhaps Irene Spence (later Irwin)
  5. "The Bend" in Nanaimo, BC
  6. front gardens of a house, "The Bend" in Nanaimo, BC
  7. Irene Spence (later Irwin) and Ethel Spence, in 1938
  8. Irene Spence (later Irwin) and another young woman, ca. 1935
  9. Florence Gardiner's wedding, July 1, 1946, at Lemberg, SK farm home
  10. Florence Gardiner's wedding, July 1, 1946, at Lemberg, SK farm home
  11. two men digging on the prairie, one might be George Spence
  12. Noble Irwin petting a dog, ca. 1940s
  13. Irene Irwin (nee Spence) sitting on a porch, ca. 1940s
  14. wedding party, at Vi Jean's, August 1944, (the photo has been cut so not all of the information is available)
  15. two children on a wooden sidewalk, Kae and Harold Brown
  16. an unidentified young woman by a car
  17. Irene Spence (later Irwin)
  18. Irene Spence (later Irwin), Ivy Spence and Ethel Spence, May 25, 1939
  19. George and Ivy Spence, ca. 1920s
  20. George Spence, ca. 1950s
  21. George Spence, ca. 1950s
  22. George Spence speaking to Lethbridge Board of Trade, 1947
  23. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas May
  24. Arlie and Edna Spence, daughters of Jack Spence
  25. young woman, unidentified as daughter of Jack Spence (see #27)
  26. man and a woman (Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence?)
  27. six young women, the daughters of Jack Spence, Edith, Beryl, Alice, Rea, Arlie and Edna
  28. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence and their six daughter (see #27)
  29. George Spence and three unidentified individuals, taken in Victoria BC
  30. group photo taken St. Lawrence Power Project in Cornwall, ON, 1957, presented to George Spence by the International Joint Commission "built in 1935"

Sin título

Wide View School District Number 3911 fonds

  • SCM-RG-0079
  • Fondo
  • 1914 - 1946

The fonds, related to the Wide View School District Number 3911, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-Ledger for Wideview School District, S.D. No. 3911, contains a detailed account of the receipts and expenditures of the school, 1917-1944 (A.2007.2.1)
-Correspondence from the Department of National Revenue, re: income tax, 1945 (Is this a telegram?) (A.2007.2.2)
-Correspondence from the Province of Saskatchewan, re: school district now being administered by a unit board, Larger School Units Act, 1946 (A.2007.2.3)
-Correspondence addressed to M. Bingham of Wideview School District, a receipt for a payment of $807.07, paid by Wideview School District to Gravelbourg School Unit, pertaining to the evolution of rural school, 1946 (A.2007.2.4a-b)

Sin título

Jean Pearson fonds

  • SCM-RG-0046
  • Fondo
  • 1932 - 2007

The fonds, related to the University Women's Club of Swift Current, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

Folder #1: contains information pertaining to the Dorothy Goddard Scholarship, including winners from 1946 to 2005; agreement acknowledging the University Women’s Club (UWC) as the trustees for the Scholarship Fund; application information; the history of the Dorothy Goddard Scholarship

Folder #2: University Women’s Club - Swift Current constitution, July 2003

Folder #3: documents pertaining to the transfers of the University Women’s Club minutes to the Saskatchewan Archives Board, 2007

Folder #4: correspondence, re: painting purchased by the UWC; brief to the law reform commission, re: “Tentative Proposals for Reform of the Matrimonial Property Act”, by Swift Current Council of Women, 1985.

Volume #1: black scrapbook fastened with two rings, contains newspaper clippings and photographs (#1 - #17, see list below) from the inception of the Club in 1931, clipping on club activities and members until ca.1970, program for the 50th Anniversary of the UWC in Saskatoon, 1969

Volume #2: blue scrapbook containing photographs (#18 - #44, see list below) and newspaper clippings pertaining to the club from 1970 to 1984; executive and committee list and programs for 1973-74, 1977-81; Constitution, 1975; program form the CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) Saskatchewan Spring Conference on International Women’s Year, 1975; handwritten write up on the history of the club, 1975; correspondence, 1980; copy of an invitation to join the club from 1981; constitution, no date

Volume #3: blue scrapbook containing photographs (#45 - #60, see below) and newspaper clippings pertaining to the club from 1983 to 1990; executive and committee list and programs for 1983-90; program for the CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) Triennial, 1985; copy of the CFUW newsletter, “cfuw nuws”, 1985; membership list, 1987-89; correspondence, 1990

Volume #4: white binder labeled “Swift Current University Women’s Club (SCUWC)/Archives 1990 – 2005”, containing information pertaining to the SCUWC, including past presidents, annual highlights and projects, a paper entitled “Swift Current University Women’s Club 1930 – 1988/A Mirror of Change: by Dianne Miller; photographs (#61 - #80, see list below); paper entitled “Swift Current University Women’s Club Celebrating 60th Anniversary”; copies of newspaper clippings pertaining to the club ca. 1990s; correspondence, 1991; membership lists and program lists, 1991-2005; documents entitled “Swift Current University Women’s Club and the Environment” and “Swift Current University Women’s Club” (history of the organization); certificate from the Canadian Federation of University Women, 2001;

Volume #5: pale green book labeled “Sept 1956 – 2003/Swift Current University Women's Club Programs and Membership Lists”, containing various annual programs, executive and committee members, and membership lists from 1956 – 2003; write ups on the SCUCW history

Photograph list:
Volume 1:

1. UWC tea, 1932, no names

2. UWC tea, ca. 1947, no names

3. UWC gathering, ca. 1946, individuals are as follows: back row - Diana Cooper, ?, ?, ?, Mrs. W.A. Beatty, Mrs. (Marie?) Rooney, front row – Belle Reid, Helen Jones, A. McDonoghan (Mrs. A. Smith), Mrs. L.B. Thomson, N. Southon, Mary Ellen Blackenship (2 copies)

4. UWC, 1953, individuals are as follows: back row – Mrs. P. (Marie?) Rooney, Diana Cooper, Jean MacNab, Agnes Thorson, Mrs. Mudiman, Margaret Ross, front row – Dorothy Goddard, Hattie Peters, Joan Shirriff, Therese Le Claire

5. UWC of SC with visitors from Malta, Montana, individuals in the photo include Agnes Thorson and Joan Shirriff; visitors from Malta are Helen Pierce, Hattie Peters, Jean Thompson and Phoebe Mathie (photo taken at Irene Irwin’s house)

6. UWC of SC and visitors from Malta, Montana having lunch at the S.S. Café

7. Six (6) UWC members leaving town in May 1966, re: Bernice Beres, Gloria Jacobs, Agnes Thorson, Mary-Jane Hourigan

8. UWC members Mrs. J.P. Rooney and Agnes Thorson (who is leaving town)

9. UWC members Mrs. J.P. Rooney and Agnes Thorson, holding a picture given to her by the club on the occasion of her leaving town

10. UWC members, 1966

11. two members of the UWC by a pottery kiln purchased by the club ca. 1959 for adult education classes, the man in the photo is the hired instructor, Terry Prysiazniuk

12 - #15. Individuals engaged in a pottery class

16. Helen Pierce and Ada Rooney

17. Two women and one man by a pottery kiln

Volume 2:

18: UWC members, individuals are as follows: front row – Sandy Roberts, Dixie Green, Dorothy Irwin, Phoebe Bunnell, Ada Rooney, Donna Anderson, Helen Pierce, Jeanne Sirs, scholarship award winners Hazel Johnson, Corry Werkhoven, and Maureen Lamb, middle row – Irene Irwin, Laura Thompson, Mary Ellen Stewart, Joan Peterson, Betty Ann Honsey, Muriel Nimegeers, Maureen Tynan, Marion Doidge, Betty Menzies, Terry LeClaire, back row – Lillian McBean, Marian Oberg, Diana MacMillan, Colleen McBean, Gina McNabb, Sandra Hill, Leola Moore, Eileen Wilson, Liz Dowdeswell, Jean Read, Jean McClure, Diana Cooper, Mary Vance.

19 - #20: Ada Rooney

21. Identical to #18

22. Sandra Roberts and Agnes Thoreson reminiscing with charter member Ada Rooney on her 90th birthday

23. Sandra Hill at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

24. Marion Doidge, Ada Rooney, Bea Harding, Agnes Thorson, Anna Smith and Ann Rigney at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

25 - #30. Displays at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

31. Carol Boyd Lunn, Provincial Director Connie Tate, Jean Pearson, Sandra Hinks, Sandra Hill and Helen Girodat at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

32. Marion Doidge, Ruth Robinson, and Helen G. at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

33. Cake at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

34. Sandra Hill and Connie Tate at a luncheon

35. Jean Pearson, Carol Lunn, Ada Rooney, Marion Doidge, Maureen Tynan, Dolly Kennedy (Western Vice President), Norma Hain, Sandra Hill, Arlene Peltier, Jeanne Craddock, and Fran Clark at a luncheon

36. Ann Rignog, Anna Ruth Houston, Agnes Thorson, Bea Harding, Jeanne Craddock, Fran Clarke, Arlene Peltier, Dolly Kennedy, Fran Clarke and Jean Read at a luncheon

37. decoration at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

38. Bea Harding, Norma Hain, Anna Smith, Agnes Thoreson, Marion Doidge, Carol Lunn, Connie Tate, Ada Rooney at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

39. members of the SC UWC, unidentified

40. Connie Tate, Sandra Hill, Dolly Kennedy at the 50th Anniversary of the SC UWC

41. Maxine Penner and Marion Oldberg

42. Sandra Hill and Marion Oldberg

43 - #44. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1983, individuals are as follows: back row – Zoria Shumay, Sandra Hill, Laurie Jackson, Linda Ashley, Terry LeClaire, Carol Boychuk, Lilianne Chilson, Mary Ann Chuike, Elva Raymond, Lynn Gosslink, middle row – Joy Motion, Arlene Peltier, Kim Knowlton, Jenn Read, Brenna Stoldhandske, Denise McKechnie, front row – Norma Hain, Jean Pearson, Jackie Schaitel, Sheila McLeod and Libby Jame

Volume 3.

45 - #46. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Supper, 1984, individuals are as follows: back row – Sheila McLeod, Maryann McLaughlin, Eileen Wilson, Marion Doidge, Kim Knowlton, Shirley Brennan, Terry LeClaire, Sandra Hill, Fran Clark, Darlene Miller, front row – Zoria Shumay, Jean Pearson, Jackie Schaitel, Libby Jame, Brenna Stolhandske, Elva Raymond.

47. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Supper, 1985, individuals are as follows: Lynn Gosselink, Marion Doidge, Elva Raymond, Denise McKechnie, Ling Tan, Kim Knowlton, Libby Jame, Jackie Schaitel, Darlene Miller, Eileen Wilson, Maryann McLaughlin, Terry LeClaire, Anna Smith, Jean Pearson, Sandra Hill, Brenna Stolhandske

48 - #53. Photos taken by Lynn Gosselink when she attended the CFUW Triennial in Calgary, 1985

54. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1986, individuals are as follows: back row - Marion Doidge, Jackie Schaitel, Sandra Hill, Elva Raymond, front row – Diana Ciona, Phoebe Bunnell, Pat Brososky

55. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1986, individuals are as follows: Joan Foster, Shirley Brennan, Jean Pearson, Tamra Button, Anna Smith, Lynn Gosselink, Ling Tan, Jean Read, Terry LeClaire

56. SC UWC members at Spring Salad Party, 1986, individuals are not identified

57. SC UWC members, 1987-88, back row – Lynn Gosselink, Brenna Stolhandske, Phoebe Bunnell, front row – Glenda Budz, Anna Smith, Elva Raymond, Joan Foster, Dorlas Bratvold

58 - #60. SC UWC members, 1987-88, back row – Dorlas Bratvold, Marilyn Berreth, Jean Pearson, Elva Raymond, Joan Foster, Sandra Hill, Lynn Gosselink, , middle row – Jackie Schaitel, Anna Smith, Brenna Stolhandske, Glenda Budz, front for – Phoebe Bunnell, Cynthia Lord, __

Volume 4.

61. Dorma Guedo, Phoebe Bunnell and Dianne Miller at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

62. Phoebe Bunnell and Dorma Guedo at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

63. Terry LeClaire and other members at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

64. Dorlas Bratvold and Elva Raymond at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

65. Dianne Miller at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

66. Dorma Guedo and Brenna Stolhandske at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

67 - #70. Members at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

71. Cake at the 60th Anniversary of the SC UWC, 1990

72. SC UWC members Doreen Roberts, Lillian Baba, Beryl Robinson and Terry Toews in 1999

73. SC UWC members, Sharon Veer, Brenna Stolhandske, Sandra Hill and Donna Hanel in 1999

74. SC UWC members Sandra Hill, Donna Hanel, Elva Raymond and Dorlas Bratvold in 1999

75. SC UW members Sharon Veer, Phoebe Bunnell, Doreen Roberts, Dorlas Bratvold, in 2000

76. SC UW members Beryl Robinson, Elva Raymond, Michelle Koop and Bula Ghosh, in 2000

77. SC UW member Jean Read, in 2000

78. SC UW members Viviane Dunn, Brenna Stolhandske, Sharon Veer, in 2000

79 and #80. SC UW members Dorlas Bratvold, Sandra Hill, Gayleen Turner, in 2000

Series 9: Programs and Membership lists, 1956 to 2003.

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