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132 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

South African War Veterans Association fonds

  • MJ-010
  • Fonds
  • 1936-1962

This fonds contains Minute Books of meetings of the South African War Veterans Association of Moose Jaw, documentation of the finances of the association as well as correspondence between the association and its members. The minute books also include correspondence between the Association and other organizations or local government. Throughout the fonds are various newspaper clippings concerning members of the association.

South African War Veterans Association

Sons of England Benefit Society fonds

  • MJ-006
  • Fonds
  • 1904-1907

This fonds contains a single series of a minute book of the Moose Jaw Lodge of The Sons of England Benefit Society that was kept from 1904 to 1907.

Sons of England Benefit Society

Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers Choir fonds

  • MJ-130
  • Fonds
  • 1960-2007 ; predominate 1975-1990

This fonds contains four series: Institutional Documents, Financial Records, Memorabilia and Correspondence. It includes the choir’s constitution, meeting minutes, reports, financial records, keepsakes and letters. This material covers the breadth of the choir’s transactions.

Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers Choir

Slater & York Limited fonds

  • MJ-038
  • Fonds
  • 1924-1927

This fonds consists of typewritten customer lists, a ledger of handwritten customer lists and "promotion" form letters that were sent out to the local men in 1925 and 1926. There is also one letter written in 1927 to a company in London, ON.

Slater & York Limited

Saskatchewan Culture and Recreation Heritage Conservation Division Moose Jaw Site Inventory fonds

  • MJ-247
  • Fonds
  • [198-]

This fonds contains an inventory of heritage buildings in Moose Jaw completed by the Heritage Conservation Division of the Saskatchewan Culture and Recreation. Sites include those on Main Street, and northwest, northeast, central, and southern sections of Moose Jaw. Also included are sites outside of Moose Jaw.

Saskatchewan Culture and Recreation Heritage Conservation Division

Ruby Wilson fonds

  • MJ-251
  • Fonds
  • 1964-1970

This fonds contains the diaries of Ruby Wilson from 1964 to 1970.

Wilson, Ruby

Rotary Club of Moose Jaw Wakamow fonds

  • MJ-135
  • Fonds
  • 1984-2012

This fonds contains five series: Events, Membership, Memorabilia, Minutes, and Newsletters and Bulletins. It includes photos and posters of events, membership rosters, scrapbooks, gifts, meeting minutes and the Rotary in Motion newsletter and bulletin.

Rotary Club of Moose Jaw Wakamow

Ross Thatcher fonds

  • MJ-178
  • Fonds
  • 1957

This fonds contains correspondence between C.S. McLean and Ross Thatcher in 1957. Mrs. C.S. McLean sent a letter of thanks regarding Thatcher’s remarks at a recent debate. Thatcher responded to the letter with appreciation for her remarks.

Thatcher, Ross

Ron Petrescue fonds

  • MJ-249
  • Fonds
  • 2015

This fonds contains a copy of the film My Unexpected Career about the life and career by Ron Petrescue.

Petrescue, Ron

Robert Baker Allan fonds

  • MJ-124
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 2004]

This fonds contains a completed copy of Allan’s master’s thesis entitled A Populist in Municipal and Provincial Politics: John Wesley Corman as well as some of his research used for writing the thesis. The research papers include copies of newspapers, articles, photographs and an audiocassette pertaining to John Wesley Corman. The research papers are heavily annotated.

Allan, Robert Baker

Richard Dowson fonds

  • MJ-182
  • Fonds
  • 2012-2013

This fonds reflects the historical research and writing conducted by Richard Dowson. Dowson has completed extensive research on Moose Jaw during WWII. It includes writings on George William ‘Bill’ Ward, a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the history of Moose Jaw residents in relation to the sinking of the Line Athenia. It also includes the history of the Moose Jaw Dam-buster Airmen, Sergeant-Pilot Kenneth Brown and Pilot Officer Robert Alexander Urquhart.

Dowson, Richard

Rice's Studio collection

  • MJ-133
  • Collection
  • 1910-1913

This collection contains two copies of the promotional booklet Moose Jaw: The Buckle of the Greatest Wheat Belt in the World. It was published in 1913 by Rice’s Studio, with Lewis Rice as publisher. It includes facts and figures about Moose Jaw as well as photographs and illustrations of the town. Many of the photographs were taken by Rice. Both booklets bear a stamp from the Moose Jaw Board of Trade.

Rice, Lewis

Quincy Ladies Aid fonds

  • MJ-014
  • Fonds
  • 1941-1968

This fonds consists of series of minute books and a cash book of the Quincy Ladies Aid. Also included are memos pertaining to the sale of a portion of the Quincy school land. It was sold to the province for the widening of a highway.

Quincy Ladies Aid

Results 16 to 30 of 136