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132 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Canadian Daughters League, Moose Jaw Assembly collection

  • MJ-053
  • Collection
  • 1931-1962

This collection consists of a scrapbook, primarily newspaper clippings of the activities and events of the Moose Jaw CDL between the years 1931 to 1962. There are also sections in the scrapbook of newspaper clippings on Canadian women, and Canadian war news. Most of the clippings are undated and no sources cited.

Canadian Daughters League

Canadian National Railway (Stony Beach Station) fonds

  • MJ-042
  • Fonds
  • 1918-1927

This fonds consists of waybills, telegraph forms, reports and circulars dealing with the railway operations at the Grand Trunk Pacific/Canadian National Railways operations at Stony Beach, Saskatchewan.

Canadian Pacific Railway fonds

  • MJ-252
  • Fonds
  • 1919-1975

This fonds contains correspondences between the CPR and the City of Moose Jaw regarding the 4th Avenue Viaduct, white prints of the Moose Jaw CPR rail yard, and schemes of various Saskatchewan rail yards.

Canadian Pacific Railway

Charles Boyd fonds

  • MJ-195
  • Fonds
  • [1910?]

This fonds contains one small medallion of a streetcar.

Charles Boyd

Chinese Nationalist League fonds

  • MJ-030
  • Fonds
  • [1920? to 1955?]

The records are primarily Chinese language consisting of membership cards and lists, correspondence and some financial records. Also included are membership pins in sealed and numbered envelopes.

Chinese Nationalist League

City of Moose Jaw fonds

  • MJ-051
  • Fonds
  • 1906-1991

This fonds consists of three series. There are financial records from 1960 to 1976 contained in a ledger, as well as a cash book, cheque register, distribution and general finanacial journals covering finances from 1989 to 1991. The second series consists of eleven scrapbooks and binders filled with newspaper (press) clippings of notices, advertisements and information regarding the City of Moose Jaw from 1917 to 1978, compiled by the city clerk. The third series consists of a promotional booklet from 1906 produced by the city of Moose Jaw.

City of Moose Jaw

Cliff Henderson fonds

  • MJ-220
  • Fonds
  • [19--]

This fonds contains photographs of Cliff Henderson and his family and others, as well as a medallion from the Saskatchewan Curling Association.

Henderson, C.N. “Cliff”

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation fonds

  • MJ-037
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1947, Predominant 1943-1947

This fonds consists of two series. The Federation business includes minutes of meetings, membership lists, and correspondence covering the years 1943-1947. The second series includes lists of electors, reports, poll census forms, statements, returns, and election tally sheets of the 1945 Federal Election, as well as reports and correspondence of the CCF Victory Fund, 1944-1945. Two editions of “The CCF in the Legislature” (1941 with 1942 supplement and 1943) were transferred to the Library Collection.

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation

Cosmo Drama Club fonds

  • MJ-176
  • Fonds
  • 1991-2007

This fonds reflects the activities of the Cosmo Drama Club. It is comprised of three series: general business records, scrapbooks, and skits and workshops. It includes financial records, such as receipts and account balances, meeting minutes, memorabilia, skit scripts and an audiocassette of a workshop.

Cosmo Drama Club

Crescent Park Foundation Inc. fonds

  • MJ-223
  • Fonds
  • 2011

This fonds contains a booklet on the history of the preservation work funded by the Crescent Park Foundation as part of the 40th anniversary of the incorporation of the foundation.

Crescent Park Foundation Inc.

Dorothy May Miller scrapbook collection

  • MJ-169
  • Collection
  • 1934-1990

This collection contains two scrapbooks created by Dorothy May Miller. The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings about Moose Jaw from the Moose Jaw Times Herald. The topics covered include: Moose Jaw Old Timers’ Reunions, Royal family, historical articles and pictures of Saskatchewan, among others.

Miller, Dorothy May

Doug McGillivray collection

  • MJ-127
  • Collection
  • 1904-1993

This is Doug McGillivray’s “Memory Lane” sports collection. It is a compilation of newspaper and magazine clippings of sporting events from 1904-1993. The sporting events include: horse racing, golf, collegiate sports, boxing, wrestling, soccer, ladies and men’s softball, Western Hockey Association (W.H.A.) hockey, track and field, basketball, old-timer hockey and National Hockey League (N.H.L.) hockey. The clippings are mounted on coloured bristol board.

McGillivray, Doug

Edna Jaques fonds

  • MJ-210
  • Fonds
  • 1934

This fonds contains one autographed book of poetry written by Edna Jaques and published in 1934.

Jacques, Edna

Edward Nicholas Hopkins fonds

  • MJ-238
  • Fonds
  • [between 1929 and 1936]

This fonds contains two copies of the first issue of the Moose Jaw Times from the scrapbook of Edward Nicholas Hopkins. The end of both copies contains an extract from an address by Edward Nicholas Hopkins to the Dairymen’s Association at Fort Qu’Appelle in March 1896 that was quoted by Percy Reid at the Canary Banquet on March 24, 1929.

Hopkins, Edward Nicholas

Elizabeth Burns fonds

  • MJ-245
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1969

This fonds contains materials pertaining to the training and graduation of Elizabeth Burns from the Moose Jaw Training School for Nurses. Such materials include a diploma, a Moose Jaw General Hospital Alumnae Association certificate, a case containing a reusable glass syringe and needles, a fountain pen with Elizabeth Burns’ name engraved, and a Moose Jaw General Hospital pin.

Burns, Elizabeth

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