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Turbidity currents

Turbidity currents. Sketch map of 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current. Jacobs et al., 1959, p. 240.

Turbidity currents

Turbidity currents. Topographical profile along the path of the 1929 Grand Banks, turbidity current showing cable breaks, cores and velocities of the current. Jacobs et al., 1959, p. 241.

Tunnel-meltwater glacial complex.

Tunnel-meltwater glacial complex. 1. Moraine plateau. 2. Tunnel valley. a. Mosso basin. b. Saltena valley. 3. Fluvio-glacial valley. 4. Valley terraces, resistant parts of earlier valley bottoms, consisting of metlwater deposits. 5. Dead-ice depressions. c. Salten Langso. d. Bog depression. e. Kettle-holes. 6. Post-glacial erosion valleys, dissecting the moraine plateau. 7. Recent valley bottom. f. Gudena. g. Delta of the River Gudena in the Mosso basin. Source: Atlas of Denmark.

Tunnel valley.

Tunnel valley. 1. Moraine landscape. 2. Tunnel valley. a. Main valley. b. Lateral valley. c. Lake basins. d. Lagoon of liman type. e. Bay; the sea-transgressed part of the valley. 3. Post-glacial erosion valley. f. River valley eroded in the bottom of the tunnel valley. 4. Isthmus built in spit growth. g. Oldest southerly spit. h. Oldest northerly spit. 5. Barred foreland. Source: Atlas of Denmark.

Tunku Abdul Rahman and Harold Macmillian

Prime Minister Harold Macmillan of the United Kingdom shaking hands with Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman of the Federation of Malaya, at #10 Downing Street during ninth Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference.

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