- 997-099-107
- Item
- 1922
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
L to R: (back row) Nathan Dafoe, Fred Lanbert, Harold Leard, Frank Dafoe (sitting) Jack McIntosh, ?, Norm McIvor.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
L to R: (back row) Nathan Dafoe, Fred Lanbert, Harold Leard, Frank Dafoe (sitting) Jack McIntosh, ?, Norm McIvor.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
Three girls sitting in a buggy the girl in the middle is Gladys Drake; a little boy standing at the front of the wagon.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
There are mountains in the background, and trees and a river in the foreground.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
A waterfall in the background and trees in the foreground.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
A photo of Beatty looking to the west. It has been taken from a high vantage point. There is a dirt road and wooden sidewalks.
A barley field near Flett Springs, Sask.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
A field of barley with stacks in the foreground.
Thos. Lobb's home - Beatty, Sask.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
The home of Thos. Lobb at Beatty, Saskatchewan. The house was built in 1905.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
Approximately six cows lined up with their owners. There are people sitting on benches watching the judging.
A Ferry on The Saskatchewan River
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
There are two cars parked on the ferry. The names of the people in the photo are unknown.
A farewell for Gordon Lobb at the Asa Lobb Farm
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
A farewell for Gordon Lobb. L- R: Adam Harris (presented gift), Gordon Lobb, Mrs. Lobb, Mrs. Gladys Wilson (read address). Gordon Lobb is wearing a military uniform.
Sunday School Picnic, Jubilee Park - Melfort, Sask.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
A Sunday School Picnic at Jubilee Park, Melfort. Children and adults sitting on the grass and playing in the water.
Beatty Ladies Aid at Ethel Lobb's Home
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
United Church Ladies Aid meeting at the home of Ethel Lobb at Beatty, Saskatchewan. L-R: in doorway - Mrs. J. Bohn, Dad Leard, Mrs. Rasmussen, Mrs. Lowther, Ellison Lowther, L. Lobb, Lydia Lobb, (Unknown), Jennie Sproule, Carrie Ekstrand, Alice Lobb, Mrs. Ekstrand, L. Berry, Ada Warner, Edith Mann, Sally Sproule, Mary Ekstrand, Flo Bohn, May Ross, Helen Lobb, Myrtle Mann, Bergloit Bohn, Mrs. Cazes, Mary Clark; Ekstrand children in front.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
The farm yard of Jellicoe's Poultry business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lowther with family
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
The Lowther family in front of a house. L- R: Ralph, J. Brent, Pearl, Hollis, Roy, Madge.
Parte de Lobb, Ethel fonds
A car decorated with ribbons and flags ready for a parade. Louisa School in background?