Group portrait Add to clipboard J-3 Item [ca, 1901] Part of PAHS James Collection Group portrait of Prince Albert area citizens. Back row from left to right: Kenneth Horton, Elmer Wright, Bud Coombs, Godfrey Thomas Henderson, Percy McLellan. Front row left to right: Tom Thompson, J.H. Mitchell, Gus Kerr
First Prince Albert championship hockey team Add to clipboard H-154 Item 1905 Part of PAHS Archives Collection The first Prince Albert Saskatchewan championship hockey team. Members in no particular order: W.H. Russel (President) No. 2, A.J. Bell (manager) No. 4, C.W. Wright (time keeper) No. 5, W.C. Lean (secretary treasurer) No. 11, T.D. Agnew (Captain) No. 10, J.S. Parker No. 9, P. McLellan No. 1, H.A. Manetly No. 7, Geoff Agnew No. 3, L. Flanagan (goal) No. 6, Terrance Agnew (mascot) No. 2