The Red Man and the White Plague
- RGF-001-b-0004
- Item
- 1936
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Article: The Red Man and the White Plague, published by Dr. Stewart in 1936 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
The Red Man and the White Plague
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Article: The Red Man and the White Plague, published by Dr. Stewart in 1936 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Review of Data Gathered at Clinic at Fort Alexander Indian [Indigenous] Reserve
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Report Titled: Review of Data Gathered at Clinic at Fort Alexander Indian [Indigenous] Reserve, published by the Ninette Sanatorium.
Stewart, David Alexander (Dr.)
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Glimpses at Manitoba History, presented by Dr. Stewart on November 22, 1932 to the Men's Club of the First Lutheran Church, Winnipeg.
Early Assiniboine Trading Posts of the Souris-mouth Group 1785-1832
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Early Assiniboine Trading Posts of the Souris-mouth Group 1785-1832 published by Dr. Stewart in 1930 in the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society journal.